I'm slowly getting better each week

A bit scary since it was August last year when I had the operations.
looking back I seem to be getting better, I'm able to go solo shopping now, spend 2 days mowing the weeds instead of 4 AND I can ride for 2 days now

I can hold the FJR up and move it around but still can't get it onto the centre stand.
Was going to Western Australia for a FJR get together but bummed out on day 2, my guts felt like they were falling out.
The XS has been sitting around for so long now, I'm thinking of selling it.
I was going to get it up and running so I can use her as a lighter commuter bike for around town.
I've drained the carbies and fuel tank and fresh fuel, but it's not running right at the moment, maybe clogged jets I suspect.
I have another operation planned in the future, to get rid of my nappy (stoma), so that's going to bugger me up for another 3 months.
Here is a link for the Owners Manual on my Google drive