Well big day today got the hack rod running ( big thanks to Christian Raith and Geoff Mc phee for all your info and help ) now I have her running I had a chance to test the stator as I had a suspicion somthing was wrong there as when I had her running rough before the tacho was not working I thought it could be ( may still be ) the unit that's faulty but I started doing tests on the rec reg and stator with out the bike running the stator seamed to bell out fine no short to earth and a consistent ohm reading between each phase
, the rec reg on the other hand though within tolerance had 1 leg that was out from the rest so I bought a new arrow rec reg . On testing the stator while running this arvo I was getting very eradic numbers at idol bouncing between 10-15v and when I reved the engine still getting eradic voltage between 1-3 and no voltage between 1-2 or 2-3 , I also connected the multi to the battery (on DC) and the voltage stayed at 12v no matter what rev range the engine was running at . My conclusion is that the stator is stuffed . I tried to do a continuity test from the coil to the plug connections but was not getting any luck with it. Thought I'd pick the collective minds of fourm and see what peoples thoughts are on the best way to proceed , do I look at getting the stator rewound /try to find a new unit or is there somthing else I might try testing first ? All thoughts and segestions greatly appreciated.
Cherrs Tarn