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Q and A / Re: Exhaust baffle loose.
« Last post by Exs1.1 on August 06, 2024, 01:19:45 AM »
Yes and my sincere apologies to Wulf for thinking the baffle had come loose, thanks Christian and Mal for advising me on what the issue was and how to resolve it.

Q and A / Re: Exhaust baffle loose.
« Last post by Christian Raith on August 05, 2024, 04:06:53 PM »
Sealed the connection between the muffler and header with 3bond black, problem fixed.
General Discussion / Re: Forum pictures/photos
« Last post by Bummer on July 31, 2024, 08:21:24 AM »
Ok. That's a bugger.
General Discussion / Re: Forum pictures/photos
« Last post by Christian Raith on July 30, 2024, 11:50:44 AM »
Probably the same as photobucket......they want people to pay.....
General Discussion / Forum pictures/photos
« Last post by Bummer on July 30, 2024, 09:40:51 AM »
Morning all.
Just checking my messages and I noticed that I can no longer see any of the pictures?
They are showing up as "", "service unavailable".
Does anyone know what is going on here or what I am doing wrong?
Does this have something to do with photobucket?
It has been a few months since I have logging on.
My profile seems to have changed a bit as well.
Any help would be appreciated.

Q and A / Exhaust baffle loose.
« Last post by Exs1.1 on July 28, 2024, 12:46:55 PM »
I’m just after some advice on how to fix a rattling baffle in one of my mufflers?
I purchased the system from Heinz in Germany as part of the bulk buy Christian organized back in 2021, unfortunately the right hand side muffler is rattling on start up but does get quieter once warmed up, and I’d like to get it fixed but have no idea on who would be the best person / business to approach for this type of repair. I’m in Adelaide so if anyone knows of any gurus that might be able to help, please let me know.

For Sale / Re: GOLD PLATED XS1100(painted black)
« Last post by excess.11 on July 17, 2024, 09:18:00 AM »
Price increase ALERT.
What fools ,  :wacko2: not to have made a move on this priceless beauty.
Now priced at $39,500.
And to think any tightwad could have owned it for the bargain price of $38,500.  :rofl2:

The main issue i see is " There ain t no Chrome to get you Home".
If this sells i m off to the local Bunnings for a sausage and 3 or 4 cans of Black spray paint. :wacko2:

Who says a Fool and his money are soon parted ?
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