Author Topic: Clicking rear wheel bevel/diff whatever  (Read 7002 times)

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Re: Clicking rear wheel bevel/diff whatever
« Reply #17 on: February 09, 2011, 09:31:27 PM »
I just got the wheel back home with a fresh tyre on it and while rolling it down the driveway I can hear the spacer clicking so it's definitely that on my bike Steptoe. It's not a loud, hard sounding noise either, by the way. The axle's in real good nick, no scores or marks on it at all. The bearings are really good too. I always smear axles with boating grease before I put them in so never have a problem pulling them out. Your axle sounds as if it may be part of your problem though.
I'm not really worried about this noise anymore because I've done more than 1200km on it since noticing the noise. And after the big road trip, when I first noticed the noise I took the swingarm off and thoroughly checked over the whole rear end including the rear brake (and cleaned it all down & painted it, looks great) and there were no signs of wear or fatigue on anything. The diff oil was a little more brown from when I put it in but you'd expect that. This noise must just be one of those things that make these bikes special to us all   ;D
On Friday next week I head off to Tassie for an 8 day road trip with some mates. So when I get back I'll pull the rear end apart again & check it all out. I'll report back with what I find.

Oh, I have to say that these wheels are damn heavy  :'( I'm used to chook chaser wheels & modern road bikes but this rear wheel is easily double the weight of anything else I've played with). If these Itallic ones are lighter than the straight ones OMFG they must be heavy  :o

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Re: Clicking rear wheel bevel/diff whatever
« Reply #16 on: February 09, 2011, 07:23:02 PM »
Mate the wheels ar not new and may "click" from the word go....... :( :( :( :(
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Offline Eveready1100

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Re: Clicking rear wheel bevel/diff whatever
« Reply #15 on: February 08, 2011, 11:55:08 PM »
To look at it as a positive, you've read about it here, and now know that there is a possibility that your wheel may / may not develop a clicking noise sometime in the future. You also know for a fact that the wheel is not going to cause any major traumas like siezing or falling apart on a ride a long way from home, so that's got to be a good thing, eh Bryan?

Besides, they are pretty wheels and how much unsprung weight did you trim off the bike by fitting them?
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Re: Clicking rear wheel bevel/diff whatever
« Reply #14 on: February 08, 2011, 11:10:07 PM »
Oh this is just great you lot..... here I am swapping my straight spoked wheels for the "itallics"......
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Re: Clicking rear wheel bevel/diff whatever
« Reply #13 on: February 08, 2011, 10:46:36 PM »
the inner centre spacer is a little loose,, when you do the axle up, the weight pulls thru so only the bearing balls turn,,

if it's a lot loose, might pay to make sure both outer bearings are fully home against the casting of the wheel, a light tap on the outer ring of the bearing in several places around will tell if they're right,, a hollow sound means they're not home

spent some time on mine the other day myself, # 1 child on the video,,

what condition is your axle,, does it have small wear marks where the bearings and spacers sit,,

does it slide thru the wheel and diff a bit to easy or is it still a bit firm to push thru

if sitting beside the bike on the floor, holding the wheel top and bottom, then pushing and pulling, does yours click,,

how about the smooth surface at the end of the splines against the diiff body,, are they dry,

is the first spacer inside the left hand seal against the diff very dry and shiny,'

having gone thru mine { a vid is being made} and inspecting closely, I am thinking the last is where my click is,,
  with the small amounts of wear on the axle, maybe that's it,, am going to borrow another axle for the exercise and see,,  other than that, am talking to an engineering shop about a relatively simple { maybe} fix

Offline bluedayt

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Re: Clicking rear wheel bevel/diff whatever
« Reply #12 on: February 07, 2011, 12:35:02 PM »
I plled the wheel off yesterday and yep, it's the spacer making the noise (well, I'm 99.9% sure of it anyway). I couldn't get it out but can feel some play in the inner spacer between the bearings and everytime i moved it from side to side 'that sound' was made.


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Re: Clicking rear wheel bevel/diff whatever
« Reply #11 on: February 04, 2011, 10:51:39 PM »
have a busy w/end planned but will try to start a vid with what I,ve come up with

Offline Eveready1100

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Re: Clicking rear wheel bevel/diff whatever
« Reply #10 on: January 30, 2011, 11:43:26 PM »
I just realised something about this problem. They're all RH's that are afflicted with this sydrome, or that have stated so far. Anyone on a straight spoked bike experience a similar problem with their bike?
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Re: Clicking rear wheel bevel/diff whatever
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2011, 10:05:29 PM »
I'm hearing you about it being annoying. Not to mention after i heard it i spent the rest of the trip imagining what it would be like for the rear wheel to seize up while half way through a corner.......... Luckily it didn't. As soon as I got home I drained the Diff and it was just oil, no metal. I even took the swingarm off & checked & re-lubed everything in there as well. I've ridden it since then and the noise is still there

I don't think it was doing it all the time but it was there with us for all the 3 days. The clicking would only appear after a bit of a ride when everything had warmed up. And it would only have to sit for ten minutes to cool down enough to stop. I don't hear it when pushing it around the garage. After hearing how much pressure that guy needed to get the sleeve out I'm thining it could just be a tiny bit of slop between the steel sleeve and alloy wheel. When I rip the wheel off to get the tyre replaced (before I head offf to Tassie with it late Feb)  I'll take a good look around & let you know what I find

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Re: Clicking rear wheel bevel/diff whatever
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2011, 10:21:45 PM »
hi John,, righto,,

 with the wife on the back for that distance, did your click ever go away?

because-------some time during our 2000klm ride, the click in my wheel went away,, for ages,{maybe 2 mths}

then came back,, it's got me beat, but like we're saying, can't be to serious, just bloody annoying hearing it

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Re: Clicking rear wheel bevel/diff whatever
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2011, 04:24:36 PM »
Hi guys,

Damn, you beat me to this Eveready. I read the thread on the UK site a couple days ago and meant to let you all know about it but got sidetracked. That description the UK guy describes is exactly the sound I get on my rear wheel but only after it warms up. I need to replace the rear tyre soon so will take a good look at the bearings & spacer in question and let you all know what I find.

I agree that the sound isn't much to worry about..... Mid January I did a 1200Km road trip with the misses, loaded up to the hilt with gear and, well, we made it home in one piece

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Re: Clicking rear wheel bevel/diff whatever
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2011, 12:34:25 AM »
I think it would be safe to say that if you managed to put enough force on the insert to dislodge it (was it 3 1/2 tons on the press?) I think at that moment you would have more to worry about than the rear wheel playing up.
I reckon it sounds pretty safe to ride on.
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Re: Clicking rear wheel bevel/diff whatever
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2011, 12:08:26 AM »
I thought this story had a familiar tone to it. I had a bit of a search and found the thread here -
Have a read and see if it helps you out.

Thanks Everready. Sounds identical to mine. Much more likely to happen if I am turning the bike and going backwards.

Looks like the kind of thing that shouldn't worry us too much. If the sleeve is moulded into the wheel it won't be going anywhere will it?  ::)

Offline Eveready1100

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Re: Clicking rear wheel bevel/diff whatever
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2011, 11:16:33 PM »
I thought this story had a familiar tone to it. I had a bit of a search and found the thread here -
Have a read and see if it helps you out.
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Re: Clicking rear wheel bevel/diff whatever
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2011, 10:40:24 PM »
So many things come to mind..........damage to the cv bearing.....too much grease and or the wrong type..........(molybdenun disulfide is whats recomended from memory.)Rear wheel bearing.......... the list goes on with this sort of noise and possibilities.Can you feel any type of a knock in conjunction with the sound?Maybe isolate the drive shaft from the rear wheel by removal to find out if it s a wheel or shaft problem.I assume when on the centre stand and turning the back wheel the problem isn t there ?