Brian, if you've still got the Octy, you should be able to get away with only one tap's flow in normal use, though it would give better peace of mind to ensure that your motor will get adequate fuel flow under all conditions, like if you're trickling to work in peak hour and some yobbo in a WRX decides to try to blow you off from the lights. I'd really hate to lean out in that instance. I haven't got an octy, so I've got both taps feeding filters under the carbs then sweeping up to the opposite pair of carbs, so I have to have them both on.
Hey Stout. If you've got a sidecar, maybe an auxillary tank mounted on the chair's frame and feeding your prime port via a small electric fuel pump might be a more attactive option. When you get low, just turn the tap to prime, flick a switch, then turn it off when your gauge says near enough to full. That way, you don't risk spoiling the appearance of the bike itself. Just an idea.