Author Topic: Brunswick Rebuild  (Read 2498 times)

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Re: Brunswick Rebuild
« Reply #14 on: March 27, 2018, 08:07:19 PM »
Yeah Greenie, I agree with Jeff, don’t ditch ya swithcblocks unless ya wanna go for something more modern that’s up to you but with a little time and a spray can and some lube they will work fine. But each to his own.
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Re: Brunswick Rebuild
« Reply #13 on: March 27, 2018, 12:39:27 PM »
Regarding the shabby handlebar switches....just respray and resticker them...........if they are all functional.
Some internal maintainence and light greasing and Bobs Ya Uncle.

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Re: Brunswick Rebuild
« Reply #12 on: March 26, 2018, 04:44:40 PM »
Hey Greenie,

You live in Brunswick, your name is Greenie.

Howz about spraying your bike Brunswick Green????
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Re: Brunswick Rebuild
« Reply #11 on: March 25, 2018, 04:36:33 PM »
Well, I'm about to start looking into a respray while I wait around for the carb rebuild kit and the petcock seals.

It's looking like I'm going to have to track down some parts to get to a stage where I'm happy. If anyone has any spares laying around, or happens to be drowning in a sea of parts that they're dying to get rid of, below is my hit list. Sorry if the names aren't right, like I say, I'm not a mechanic. Just a wannabe.

Headlight bucket
Chrome around headlight
Rear guard
Front guard
Oil cooler radiator
Controls on both sides (the ignition/kill one and the opposite side with the horn/indicators)
Carby clamps

Ideally I'd be able to find myself a good nick set of instruments. The Tacho/Speedo have some damage and the center lights (neutral/hibeam etc) have all the writing coming off. I have a feeling this will be hard.

Really the controls and the clamps are totally functional, they're just a bit long in tooth and don't look fantastic, so they're not super important, but the others I need to go forward with in an acceptable way. If anyone has any wisdom to add, please cut loose. All opinions are welcome.

Offline greenie

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Re: Brunswick Rebuild
« Reply #10 on: March 25, 2018, 12:02:28 PM »
Had look for the fuel tap filters. Sorry don’t have any for a standard. Cheers


Appreciate your efforts mate. Thanks.

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Re: Brunswick Rebuild
« Reply #9 on: March 25, 2018, 12:01:15 PM »
Had look for the fuel tap filters. Sorry don’t have any for a standard. Cheers

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Re: Brunswick Rebuild
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2018, 08:23:51 AM »
The carbys are coming along in their restoration. Floats have been checked for any leaks after taking to them with a wire brush, just to be sure I didn't knock any solder off. I'm taking them up to my father-in-law's on the weekend for a bloody good blasting of the main body. I've been using a dremel for the harder to reach and more rust effected spots. It's interesting how carbys work, kind of like a cross between a toilet (floats), a BBQ (brass injectors) and an iron lung. I'm really enjoying learning about this stuff, appreciating all your efforts so far.

Note: The pins underneath the floats were not working in 2/4 carbs. The seals were perished. Currently dealing with a shitty job from the last bloke who put the idle injectors in as it's threaded in carb 4, and stuck in. Trying to figure that one out. Not easy. Replacements on the way. Full rebuild. Do it properly or don't do it.

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Re: Brunswick Rebuild
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2018, 08:16:01 AM »
Hey Greenie, that rubber gasket/valve in the background with 4 holes in it looks like a bin job too
While your at it, you can do the "OFF" position Mod to the fuel taps to guarantee your bike wont leave puddles of fuel
On both taps you have the chrome plated face plate with PRI RES & ON positions marked, At the top of that you will see a little protrusion that stops the tap turning past PRI & RES.
File that little protrusion off and that will allow the tap handle to go to top and point at your tank, effectively an off position. don't worry if the tap doesn't point exactly at the 12 oclock position. on some bikes the tap touches the tank preventing it going all the way to 12 oclock. 11 or 1 oclock depending on which direction you turn the tap is sufficient enough to close off fuel delivery.

Interesting mod Jonsey. I'l look into it. I've ordered two complete petcock rebuild kits so I am sure the shut-off will function when I'm done - however the off position mod that you're talking about is seriously worth considering if I'm letting her sit for any period of time. Food for thought, appreciate the suggestion.

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Re: Brunswick Rebuild
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2018, 08:06:06 AM »
Hey Greenie, that rubber gasket/valve in the background with 4 holes in it looks like a bin job too
While your at it, you can do the "OFF" position Mod to the fuel taps to guarantee your bike wont leave puddles of fuel
On both taps you have the chrome plated face plate with PRI RES & ON positions marked, At the top of that you will see a little protrusion that stops the tap turning past PRI & RES.
File that little protrusion off and that will allow the tap handle to go to top and point at your tank, effectively an off position. don't worry if the tap doesn't point exactly at the 12 oclock position. on some bikes the tap touches the tank preventing it going all the way to 12 oclock. 11 or 1 oclock depending on which direction you turn the tap is sufficient enough to close off fuel delivery.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2018, 08:20:26 AM by Jonesy :-) »
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Re: Brunswick Rebuild
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2018, 10:30:38 PM »
I'll have a look on the weekend when I get back to Sydney

Or I can check out Joes Wreckers in Canberra. He should have a set of the whole petcocks.


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Re: Brunswick Rebuild
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2018, 05:41:25 PM »
Anyone got any bright ideas on where to find a pair of these?

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Re: Brunswick Rebuild
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2018, 05:32:03 PM »
You have to start somewhere.


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Re: Brunswick Rebuild
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2018, 02:40:37 PM »
I made the mistake of being a little to eager and far too cocky, and replaced the fuel in the tank without washing it out very, very thoroughly thinking that any bits would be stopped by the petcock filter. As you can see below, they ain't stopping a thing. Lesson learned, hopefully there's not too much gunk in the carbs and the engine. It ain't pretty. My first stop is to order two new petcock filters.

The most reasonably priced petcock rebuild kits that I can find are the ones listed below:

As you can see, it ain't pretty:

I'm thinking of doing the apple cider vinegar treatment on the tank like old mate in Tassie did, he seems to know what he's doing and he reckoned it was alright.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2018, 02:43:19 PM by greenie »

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Brunswick Rebuild
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2018, 02:30:22 PM »
The battery covers, seat, rear plastic cover and tank are all in great condition.

As you can see, cosmetically it takes a bit of a nose dive after the plastics and the tank. The good news is that the oil on the concrete isn't from this bike.