well friends......an update...... sad face.....
I won't be able to have the build completed by the end of the month - just a series of small things
that all add up to extra time needed to do the job properly.
I've said it before - start modding and there is a domino effect......
I would not have been able to re-wire the bike in time for the rally and would have had to disassemble
and re-work when I returned home so this means I can complete the build in one go as it were.
For example - the front wheel - I will be using both TRX wheels (so they match) the TRX axle is 18mm - R6 is 22mm -
of course one can't buy 22 ID bearings that fit the TRX hub without machining the hub to suit the new 44 OD bearing
and the new spacer between the bearings, and of course the spacers either side of the wheel (the mechanical speedo
drive is OUT - I'll be sticking with the Acewell digital unit) I can't size the outer spacers until I assemble the new R6 front end and cant do that until the staunctions (now lengthened to suit the XS11) have been hard chromed.
I spent Easter Monday afternoon bead blasting my engine cases, really wasn't happy with the result - so I had the wet blasted -
that really is the shit - excellent "sharp" finish - not cheap tho....
By the end of this week I will have all the bits and pieces (bearings, gaskets, forks[then off to be chromed] gearbox [with back cut gears], re-slotted cam sprockets, etc
Good news tho - I went for a ride last sunday on a friends Honda Hornet - I know, I know.....picture me on a Honda.....