Author Topic: Rally 2015  (Read 2438 times)

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Offline beemeerr11

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Re: Rally 2015
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2014, 06:39:31 PM »
Hey Xtian,

What I should have done was Alt Print screen and got a snap shot of what happened, I will if it happens again?



Offline Christian Raith

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Re: Rally 2015
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2014, 10:13:35 PM »
Copy and paste
Ctrl C then Ctrl V

Don't know what is going on here, this is the third time it's happened I just spent about 15 minutes typing a response and its all gone, comes up with some crazy symbol and code type stuff.

Couldn't be bothered to type it all again, do it another time.

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Offline beemeerr11

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Re: Rally 2015
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2014, 09:44:13 PM »
Don't know what is going on here, this is the third time it's happened I just spent about 15 minutes typing a response and its all gone, comes up with some crazy symbol and code type stuff.

Couldn't be bothered to type it all again, do it another time.



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Re: Rally 2015
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2014, 04:44:51 AM »
After the Bjeke Peterson days and now the current government Queensland has some work to do to convince the rest of us.
George Scarfe
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Re: Rally 2015
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2014, 09:24:51 PM »
hey Lou
Regarding your and others perception of the Qld "bikie laws".

As a member of Club Laverda Qld, I am the Event Manager for the Club Laverda Concours bike show (formerly presented in Captain Bourke Park beneath the Story Bridge, Kangaroo Point) now at the Cleveland Showgrounds, Cleveland in July, annually.

Subsequent to the inception of the laws and as part of the pre-planning of Concours 2014, as a club we had concerns about attendance numbers for the 2014 event in as much as motorcyclists would not ride to the gig in groups for fear of police persecution (for want of a better word).

Indeed, there were concerns among members that the event itself may be in jeopardy after 25 years.

After confirming that the Redland City Council and the Cleveland Police fully supported the event and to further alley our fears contact was made with D.I. Brendan Smith, head of Task Force Maxima, Criminal Motorcycle Gang Unit.

Brendan advised that the QPS has no concern with the ongoing operation of CONCOURS and further offered to come to our February club meeting to explain the laws and confirm that they have no impact on us as law abiding motorcyclists and to answer any questions that we had.

Brendan attended our meeting on Tuesday 4th. He was patient, personable and informative and was able to answer all questions put by members. He expressed a willingness to similarly visit and address any other motorcycle enthusiast clubs whose members have concerns regarding these laws.

His response was that these laws have been poorly sold to the public and the challenge is for misconceptions to be crushed and the reality to be made known.

So, I guess what I am coming to, is that there is no reason whatever that a XS1100 Australia rally should not be convened somewhere in the Sunshine State.

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Offline beemeerr11

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Re: Rally 2015
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2014, 11:09:45 PM »
Don't know what happened Take two.

Future XS11 Rallies in QLD

I wanted some others thoughts about the situation with Queensland motorcycle laws, it appears that it is moving to other states.

The way the situation is at the moment means that QLD is out of the question for a rally, don't get me wrong I'm happy to travel and think that a shared location is a good one, but I'd also like to see the sunshine state.
I'm also with a Vintage Motorcycle club here and as like the XS's we are all enthusiasts we ride in groups, have BBQ's, drinks etc
I saw this article, and I don't think bikies as depicted in the picture, I think of the motorcycling community, Any thoughts?

Offline Christian Raith

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Rally 2015
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2014, 11:23:34 PM »
Set your calemders
Mobile: +61418243503