Hi All,
Its been a while since my last post.... Ive been busy working away and racing my Ducati..., and my poor XS has managed to be ridden sporadically, but reasonably regularly at least, but.... I have noticed a few issues developing and it culminated with a near freezing ride home through the mountains on what seemed like 2 cylinders on saturday,so, this has caused me to raise a few questions and get some feedback from you all. BEFORE i start the strip down, and analysis of the bike.
OK: The Bike is my 78 2H9 engined XS
Recent History: Has had a full top end rebuild and bores honed /new rings, new cam chain, new clutch etc less than 5 k ago (thats now nearly 2 years). Shim clearances etc were adjusted then, and not too noisy in the top end, all should be pretty good there.
1. Started with the bike just electrically cutting out when idling when I have stopped or was negotiating a turn. Would restart after a few seconds of button push.
2. Developed the habit of not wanting to hold idle after I had ridden for a while (say coming down to Sydney from mountains)
3. Then developed the habit of just not wanting to start at all, would wind over, using full choke- nothing, so I would leave it, come back a while later or even next afternoon, try half choke- nothing. and so on even no choke- nothing, I tried switching the kill switch off /on a few times, got a backfire and then believe it or not, bike would start.
Did the same as above trying turning ignition off and on instead of using kill switch - got same backfire and same start would happen event?
4. Then once started, and riding along with a warm engine (because miraculously the bike would idle nicely on the full then half then no choke), I got from the Nth Shore back to Lawson (say 100klms) and the bike cuts out and sounds like a big bang crank R1, growling away on what I can only think was at least 2 cylinders. (Tacho held revs as normal?). So, I slowed down, back gears, and found that when I went back to 1st, nearly stopped, (close to idle speed), the "miss" would clear, and away we went, business as usual. UNTIL about 15 klms further along when it did it again. So I reduced speed and limped home (as I was not far then).
I get home, leave the bike in driveway in disgust, go back to it to put it in shed , thumb starter and it fires on all 4??
So, I have now gone to the spares cupboard in preparation, got all my spare carby bits out, got my spare igniter box out (2H7 unit) , and am preparing to remove body /tank and start checking /pulling apart/cleaning etc- whatever it takes.
My thinking on this-
It could be timing? But why idle so well at times??
It could be coils?? or a coil pack breaking down?
It could be kill switch (but I am doubting it as it still runs at least on 2)
It could be carbys full of crap and needing a good clearout?
Would the ignition box cause this??
Maybe there is a breakdown in wiring somewhere in coil /ignition circuit- Any idea there??
So I wonder if any of you have had this experience? The cutting out when riding worries me , thats not much fun if I am on highway amongst the traffic we have and I lose power, then it wont start again...
I cant even look at the bike till next weekend as I work away during the week, but would love some ideas.
Im going to put a new fuse box in as well as when I looked at the original it just looks old, and well, like it needs better contacts, all fuses are OK, but the fuse clips are weak. (an age thing I think.) There is no corrosion etc on wires /fuses though (I am an eleco)
Hope you gents can assist me. (anyone have spare coil packs I think thats worth a try?)
Im just not sure, and I am certainly open to ideas, the bike has a solid maintenance history,