This listing allows you the opportunity to buy one of my most powerful creations, my MX1 for the Yamaha XS1100 (1978 - 1984) and XJ1100 Maxim (1982), with high temperature VHT ceramic black paint on the pipes, for only $579.95. Chrome plating only $225 more!

My MX1 exhaust is the most sophisticated racing exhaust design in existence. It is hand built by the inventor of the real X-PIPEtm exhaust, me, Monty Campbell. It is so powerful that it is patented (U.S. Pat. No. 4,800,719). No UFO (Universal Four into One) 4into1 is patented.
This exhaust is the ultimate design for performance
My MX1 boosts 4,000 rpm HP by 40% and 8,000 rpm HP by 8%. A UFO loses 8% at 4,000 rpm to gain only 1% at 8,000 rpm. No UFO even comes close to this kind of power.
Please don't confuse this incredible MX1 X-PIPEtm exhaust with an ordinary UFO (Universal Four into One: Kerker, Yosh, VHR, whatever) exhaust.
UFOs only have one usable powerband and sacrifice 8% power at 4,000 rpm to gain only 1% at 8,000 rpm, even with a $600$ jet kit. Even a free UFO is no bargain. So, after you buy that UFO, you're used to spending $600$ to buy a Jet Kit. With a UFO, what do you get besides lost low end power? How about bad gas mileage? All Jet Kits make your mixture richer, wasting fuel!
My MX1 brand exhaust is different. It needs no Jet Kit, so you save $600$ instantly. Even a free UFO is no bargain.
My MX1 increases your 4,000 rpm power by an amazing 40%! UFOs lose 8% at 4,000 rpm WITH A $$$$ JET KIT!
But, even more than that, my MX1 increases your fuel economy. Jet kits kill mpg! That's right, MX1, no Jet Kit and improve your mpg, instantly.
If your motorcycle already has a Jet Kit installed, don't worry, my MX1 will work with a Jet Kit, you just don't need one for my MX1 to do its magic. You can use the one that you have. So, no matter whether you have a Kit, my MX1 will give you the most power and use the least fuel to do it.
This is the best Road race exhaust and the best Drag race exhaust design for these motorcycles.
It weighs under 14#. That's lighter than any titanium UFO. It gives 1 1/2" more ground clearance than most UFOs. You can not rub this exhaust on the ground in Road racing corners. Even if you drop the bike, the exhaust will usually escape unscratched. It'll pay for itself many times over.
But, don't take my word for it. Listen to what others have to say.
"After trying the MX1 X-PIPEtm exhaust, I gave my Kerker away." Ed Green, San Bernardino, CA
"I've had other pipes. This X-PIPEtm exhaust has more midrange and top end than any other. It has good ground clearance. It works very well." Phil, Newport Beach, CA
"I had a $300.00 Bassani 4into1 on my Z-1. I tried the MX3 X-PIPEtm exhaust. When it outperformed the Bassani - I bought it!" Don Honeyfield, Colton, CA
"I had a custom 4into1 exhaust on my other Kawasaki. I was sold on it, until I tried the Maxi-X-PIPEtm exhaust. No other pipe has ever made this kind of improvment." Randy Manthe, Ontario, CA
"I really like this system. Jetting is not required. Very crisp. I can't even see where jetting improvement could improve on it. The stock system had its low rpm misses. This system seemed to remove that flat spot. the performance improvement over stock was exceptional. It bolted right on, a very serviceable unit. Much quicker rpm, much faster. It ran through the gears much faster. It was much smoother erverywhere. the system all-in-all performs very well. I'm happy with it." Mechanic, Pomona Honda
"That thing works neat. Bitch'n bottom end. It works excellent. Good throttle response. It's a good system. It really works." Mechanic, Pomona Yamaha
"We're absolutely ecstatic over your X-PIPEtm exhaust system. We just bolted it onto a 900 Kawasaki and it is just amazing. I just wanted you to know we are absolutely amazed at how well it works. Congratulations, you've got a super product and we're going to sell a lot of them." Ken's Cycle Service, Hermosa Beach, CA
The X-PIPEtm exhaust is a real power house.
This is the only aftermarket exhaust that does not use scavenge to create huge performance gains.
Scavenge does not work on high flow cylinder heads, due to their propensity to overscavenge; raw air fuel is sucked out the tail pipe, reducing dynamic cylinder pressure and requiring re-jetting to make up for lost fuel. See This is the only aftermarket exhaust that does not require rejetting for stock applications.
No expensive Jet Kit is needed. See This exhaust is NEW.
If you are running a stock air box and filter, you do not need a Jet Kit with this exhaust.
If you are running a modified intake and/or a modified engine, you only need to go up on the main jets.
Buyer of this MX1 exhaust system sale will receive one MX1 XS110 (fits 1978-1982 XS1100 and 1982 XJ1100) exhaust in VHT ceramic black, high temp paint with removable baffles (2ea). Please note, regarding some "Special" models, if oil filter cap hits MX1, removal of OEM oil cooler spacer between engine and filter cap may be necessary. In which case an aftermarket oil cooler line connection system would be necessary to retain the oil cooler function. Please also note that it is recommended that a remote oil drain plug be installed, to allow oil changes without removing the MX1.
NOTE: If you want to know more about why scavenge will not work with modern, high flow cylinder heads, read about the Urban Legends of Scavenge, please go to Email seller for questions.
built 4into1. It'll murder any 4into1 ever made.
First of all, thanks for prompt shipping. I received the X-PIPEtm exhaust yesterday and my curiosity got the better of me. I put them on my "rat" xs650 bike this a.m. I took it for a brief ride. The wind-up between 2500 and 5500 rpm is nothing short of astonishing!! The tach needle literally jumps. I can barely get the throttle open and I am out of RPM.
Matt W., Los Alamitos, CA
To see U.S. Patents covering this exhaust system:
U.S. Patent No. 4,800,719
See U.S. Patent No. 4,953,352
To learn more about why REAL X-PIPEtm exhaust technology works, go to Copyright 2012, Monty A. Campbell, all rights reserved.
Campbell X-PIPE, MX1 & MX3 are trademarks owned by Monty A. Campbell
" I've owned my 1974 Kawasaki 900 Z-1A from the day it was new. Tried a few different exhausts. Finally tried Dr. Campbell's X-PIPEtm exhaust. Wow!!! They really woke the old girl up! Would not trade these pipes for a 4-1 system for anything. Power over entire RPM range increased by a lot and WITHOUT rejetting! It doesn't get any better than that! In addition, they sound great without being obnoxiously loud. I can finally ride without earplugs."
Larry K., Simi Valley, CA.
"I purchased one (Suzuki Campbell X-PIPEtm exhaust) last year and it was chrome. I would like a black one. I really love this pipe it is great and a lot of fun. It really sounds like no other pipe. Yes you can use my comments. Like I said this pipe is great."
T. Reinhard, PA.
"I've tried at least 10 exhaust brands. My lap times dropped 4 seconds with the MX3 (Campbell X-PIPEtm). 4 seconds is a lot of lengths when you're doing 130 mph!"
D. Paramore, Palos Verdes, CA.
"I entered my stock 600 Ninja in the '87 IDBA MRE Supernationals. Results were an F/SS CLASS WIN and 2 NATIONAL RECORDS! All with NO gear changes, NO wheelie bars, NO air shifter, NO smoothbores, NOT EVEN REJETTING, JUST YOUR MX3!! I plan on more IDBA wins and tearing up the local dragstrip.
Thank You." Scott Grigaliunas, Kenton, OH.
"P.S. My records still stand and I just won Class Eliminator at the IDBA Sunshine Nationals." (From letter sent in 1987. REAL, Campbell X-PIPEtm exhaust technology began in 1982. Nothing else comes close.)
"I saw an MX3 take an FZ1000R from 11.20's to 10.80's. So, I put an MX3 on my hurricane 1000. Even though I weight 255 lbs., I went .3 sec. quicker instantly! The MX3 gave it more power and instant throttle response. Everyone says that they have never seen a stock Hurricane run like mine. After I beat my brother's modified FJ1100, which I couldn't do before, he bought an MX3. This must be how MX3 fever spreads!"
Sincerely, Ben Tate, Lake Ridge, VA.
MX3, you've ruined my social life. I bought your MX3 one week ago, for my newly purchased 1980 GS1100 with stock carbs and airbox. Already I beat a Ninja 1000, a GS1150 with VHR 4into1, a GS1100 with 33 smoothbores and VHR 4into1, a GSXR1100 and a GS1100 with ported head, 33 smoothbores and VHR 4into1. I'm a 217 poiund truck driver that no one will run. What do I do now?"
Dwight Miller, K.C., MO.
"I was a real doubter. I installed your MX3 without rejetting. My friend has an identical GSXR1100, except his has a professionally installed VHR 4inot1 + 33 smoothbores. When we did roll-ons, I pulled ahead and stayed till 151 mph, when I shut off. Good huh? Especially since I weigh 220 and he weighs 170. I don't know why it works, but it works."
George Wise, Fairbanks, AK
"I had no idea a bolt-on item could make so much difference. A friend and I compared the Campbell Maxi-X-PIPEtm to a stock exhaust on 2 KZ750 box stock roadracers. The slower one, mine, now equipped with the X-PIPEtm, consistently pulled away from my friend's KZ750 by 7 lengths in a 5th gear roll-on at the Willow Springs Raceway straightaway."
Mark Shelton, (Box Stock Champion) High Desert Kawasaki
See See
Jason Lee on MX-1 equipped CB750.
Campbell X-PIPE, MX1, and MX3 are trademarks owned by Monty A. Campbell
Want to know what the MX1 sounds like? Take a ride with Larry on his classic Z-1, to the Rock Store.
Legal Disclaimer: For racing purposes only. No aftermarket exhaust is "street legal." Only the OEM exhaust is "street legal."
Are UFOs all that they are cracked up to be? Maybe not. Listen to what I found out about UFOs.
This is a hand built exhaust. This is no ordinary hand
It is good to be skeptical.
I used to believe in UFOs (Universal Four into Ones) too. So, I thought I needed more scavenge for my pro stocker, to make it go faster, to keep up with VHR who was reportedly using cheater nitrous, in pro stock.
So, I set about to make the ultimate scavenge UFO. Not to be out done by expanding collectors and tuned resonance head pipe length, I added a way to suck the heat out of the exhaust, cooling it, making it contract, multiplying the scavenge. I made a UFO out of copper. If you've ever tried to weld copper, you know what I mean, it conducts heat far better than steel, and much, much better than titanium. Did it work? Yes and no. It really cooled the exhaust gases, making them contract. But, it was the worst exhaust I ever ran. Conclusion? Scavenge sucks! It doesn't make power, only money for the magazines who have profited greatly by promoting the lie that is 4into1s.
I then bought a brake dyno, again following the great magazines who continually preached brake dyno this and brake dyno that. I used the brake dyno, until I realized that brake dynos predict only hill climbing ability, not acceleration. So, I gave my dyno away, since it did not suit my need to increase acceleration.
The 40% increase @ 4,000 rpm came from the brake dyno.
I could never have new technology without first understanding what was wrong with the existing technology; "scavenge." I have spent the last 30 years perfecting this new science. Please check out my patents. I have 3 on this technology. How many do your favorite UFO sellers have? Look over my web site for more info; So, the real question becomes, how can the UFO makers make so much HP, on a brake dyno, using JUNK SCIENCE?
Unlike every UFO maker, I do extensive testing with each motorcycle, based upon acceleration ONLY! I may make as many as 4 or even 6 systems before I get the acceleration that I want. That prototype is then sent to the bender. When the bent parts are delivered, I baseline the OEM exhaust, then make up a 1st article exhaust & test it on the same motorcycle. If it is not as fast as the first article, I make changes until it does. This is the system that you get.
By contrast, UFOs are NOT designed and tested at all.
George Kerker died in the '70s, so he hasn't designed many since then.
Pops yoshimura does NOT design their UFOs. For a while Gemini Tube made them. Over a period of a week, a truck driver would stop by to piece together each the new system, at night, after his regular job. The engine was never started. The exhaust was never tested, even on a brake dyno. Gemini would then make that UFO, putting their label on some & a Yosh label on others.
Byran never designed any VHR UFOs. For a while they were made by a lawn furniture manufacturer (Cuca Products), until Cuca refused to make more, because they claimed VHR was behind in payments.
Perhaps the bigger question here, after knowing a few facts, is how can all of those UFO brands (there were over 150 UFO brands in 1982), claim to make any power improvement at all. My old brake dyno said that they lost 8% at 4,000 rpm, to gain only 1% at 8,000 rpm, with a $600 jetting kit. Of course, don't believe my old dyno, it didn't publish its data in a magazine.
So, I was very curious how the magazines got those amazing times at the drag strips. Was it mere coincidence that the biggest advertiser always won the annual exhaust shoot out?
Was it a mere coincidence that just before that annual shoot out, every magazine would contact me wanting me to run a bigger ad, just in time for the shoot out? And oh, why not get a discount by running a 12 time rate? It just couldn't be that simple.
My curiosity was peaked. So, when one day, I got an invitation to attend a Cycle World test at OCR, one that followed an annual exhaust shoot out, won by Kerker, I jumped on it.
It seems that the Kerker won the test (aka ran the biggest ad). The problem was that readers who believed that shoot out bought the Kerker and wrote reams of letters complaining that they lost power!!!!
The test was on. Was the Kerker really faster than the OEM exhaust?
At this test, the Kerker, with a stage 6 jet kit + pods, the Kerker was WAY SLOWER than the OEM exhaust on a GS1100. I saw it for myself. You never read about it, because someone at Cycle World decided NOT TO PRINT THE TRUTH!!
So, I can't blame anyone for being skeptical about exhausts. After all, this UFO exhaust scam annual shoot out thing had been going on for years, supporting advertisers, who returned the favor with big, bigger, biggest ads.
Here's the bottom line; UFOs ARE A LIE! It's as simple as that.
Ask your favorite UFO maker who designed their exhaust, for your motorcycle. Maybe Kerker did design a few systems after his death? After all, they say a lot of dead people still vote in Chicago?
Update: Pops Yoshimura died March 29, 1995. RIP. Pops never designed any U.S. brand Yoshimura Racing UFOs. Who designed them? Vance and Hines Racing is no longer owned by Terry nor Byran, but by a company called Motorsports Aftermarket Group (MAG). Who designed all those VHR UFOs? Not Byran. Not Terry. Kerker exhaust was first purchased from Mrs. Kerker, after her husband committed suicide, because of a bad magazine article, by the magazine celebrities who wrote that story. It was later sold to Fred Fox, who told me that in one year, he had purchased over 300 businesses, and made a profit on each one. Supertrapp now owns Kerker. Who designed all those Kerker UFOs?