I really think I did some thing to upset the cranky looking bloke on the kwaka. He was sitting there shaking his head. I wonder if he objected to something I did when I went past him? I must've done something naughty, but I have no idea and I don't give a flying fig.
Staring competition.
I enjoy this rally. Not because it's a greatride or anything, fact is it's just along the bumps and semi rural roads around Windsor. Lots of traffic, intersections, speed limits, houses etc. I suggested they just have the route to Bulga & back, or up the Bell's Rd (Are we sure it's not originally names the 'Line of Bells Rd'?). That falls flat.
The rally is nice 'cause I get to catch up with a few people and it's just a pleasant weekend. We loaded the XS onto the trailer & towed it up. Stayed at the Racecourse Motel, Clarendon - very quiet as the races aren't on.