I have been looking into what brake upgrades I could consider for the XS. I am hearing great things about Brembo and it seems they would be affordable second hand of ebay, when I find the right ones? I want 40mm mounting points and 4 piston I think.
Only started looking but Beringer might be out of my reach?
If the blue spot conversion is good maybe I should just stick with that. I need new master cylinders as well if for nothing else but mine are looking VERY old. I am thinking it would be easier to upgrade to a better later model master cylinder than searching for good original ones.
So my main questions at the moment is where do the bluespot calipers come from?
Are there any known rotor upgrades that are bolt on. Floating sounds like the best but maybe too expensive as well?
What master cylinder upgrades could I use
what options are there for the back brake as well.
I would hope all these would be connected with stainless braid line.
Thanks for any help