And that my friend is why i still run full rego.
Married with children doesn t allow me to engage in a single mans lifestyle where i go riding off into the sunset for a day ride or club event whenever i feel like it.
I use my bike around once a week to get from "A" to " B" ( "not "....gone in the morning........cya tonight honey....scenario )..........and thats enough to keep on good terms at home ....and enjoy the ownership.....not to say.........i would nt mind mixing it more with fellow bikers at events etc.
Something i have to pick and choose though.
I can also have empathy for the club costs and resources being run down with club rego time , record keeping and efforts by inspections.....only never to see that owner again until needed for renewal again.
Having said that.....i can see where they are coming from.......but they are cutting their own throats in that it will limit the numbers to be drawn into their organisation .....over a period of time.
I would of thought.......far better to attract 100 people along for club rego..of which you may get 10 people to participate in other events/ one.... due to the restrictions put in place .
It s definately a "Catch 22" situation.
I also would of thought that the brotherhood of the motorcycling community would be only too keen to take most of the cost and control away from Vicroads just on principle alone......and to allow more people to ride and invest in older bikes.
End of Political comment................