The old girl's been getting a good going over since the trip to the rally.To date, I've replaced the leaky O-rings in the oil cooler pipes and have given the crankcase breather system the cleaning of its life. Jeez, there was some muck in there! Repaired the half missing head of the oil filter bolt and fresh, thicker oil with a new filter to top things off.
Been sitting around waiting for the rain to stop so i can get out for a comfortable ride to check that all is well. Was thinking of my oil loss scenario on the trip and the fact that my bike may have met the same fate as Christians if it wasn't for Steptoes insistance that we check it when we did, instead of my theorised check at about Moree, which would've been about my normal stretch between checks, which may have been too late at that rate of loss. It definitely was a shock to see how far the level had dropped.
I know for a fact that since the rally experience, virtually everyone is keeping an eye on the little window, just in case they get Xtianed! ( new word for the week!)
So I had a look around to see how something could be devised to give a warning if the bike suddenly starts using / losing oil ( or even if the sump plug has fallen out) BEFORE the oil pressure light comes on and it's too late.
So here it is. No devising or fabricating required. Just a minimal wiring run to hook up a factory oil level sensor fitted to the required XJ1100 sump pan, of which I have one now winging its way over from the states, which will go to a warning light I'm thinking of putting between the bar clamps.
I picked the whole sump / sensor up for just $100 including shipping so I reckon that's a cheap price for absolute peace of mind.
I'll keep you posted when the fitting time arrives.