Well there are pros and cons to having the bike well tuned and running a stock exhaust. The ups are heaps of mid range torque......the downside is it highlights a worn clutch.
running a 4 into 1 the clutch would slip a bit when really having a go like chasing another XS.......Grant
With the stock exhaust I went for a casual test run and could more or less spin the clutch at will with out any real hard twisting of the throttle.
So with the run to Bourke in mind I bit the bullet and dusted off the box of NOS friction plates I purchased earlier, cleaned up the work bench and set the bike on the sidestand ready for day surgery.
Got the manual and wear tolerances and checked all the springs for free length...... right on the lower end of the limit. Dont know how critical this is as theres only a mm difference between good and not. they end up with about 15-20 mm of preload anyway, so there going back in.
Next the friction plates......also right on the limit at 2.8mm, 3mm is good so not much wear allowed there either.
Next check is the plane steel plates are allowed 0.1mm of warpage, checked that too thinking I was wasting my time. But, surprisingly they all failed
I checked these by getting a piece of 6mm thick glass set on top of the workshop bench for flatness and some feeler guages
A close look after checking showed some high or polished spots from slipping
the texta in photo high lights one of the spots showing there wasnt a hell of alot of cantact area
To get em flat again I laid a sheet of 400 wet ndry on the glass (again for flatness) and proceeded the slow task of hand lapping all the plates on both sides A quick check after a short turn on the wet n dry really high lights the high spots
I persevered with this procedure until there was about 80% of the area of each side covered in wet n dry rubbing marks and/or until a .05mm feelr wouldnt go in.
Going to finish putting back together tomorrow and fingers crossed its all good.