What you don t see.......is the alloy ( lack of ) finish on the motor...... it looks....well.....mmmmmmmmm.....crappy.
Yep..thats the word.........."Crappy".
Dennis and myself looked this bike over when we were there the weekend before last.........and it would seem nothing has been done to this bike other than importing it ....to prepare it for sale.
The paint on those gold wheels looks............mmmmmmmmm........yup....."Crappy".
Aside from the ........."Crappy"......USA type tank...........and the......."What the hell were they thinking".......seat...........there was an XS1100 under there screamin for someone to spend some time on it and turn it into a reasonable bike.
You d think " They" would of............... for the asking price.

On the upside......the guys that run that place are quite pleasant and it s......." Blokearama city on a stick ".