Thought I'd post a story about the VJMC weekend and meeting Christian, I typed up a whole story and something went wrong with the editor, I couldn't see my typing? As if it was character limited?
If I get the chance I'll do an article about the weekend, it was brilliant? Over 200 bikes on Saturday, with a police escort onto the highway with heaps of 2 smoke on offer?
Also wanted to Thank Christian for his friendship and taking me for a ride on the Sunday after riding to Kiama and then to the new Sea View Bridge and Stanwell Tops and then to drop me off in Woolongong to visit friends with the help of his Garmin Zumo.
We had a lucky table on Saturday night, we had three seated at our table that won awards for their bikes they displayed and others that won raffle prizes including Christian winning a hatrick
BTW Christians XS, My RH and one other Midnight Special were the XS1100 clan?