ive been running my bike with pods for the past
four years, im running foam uni filters fitted with an inner
spring that i have slipped over the velocity stacks that have
been removed from the air box, ive since fitted a dyno jet kit
from the states for the past 18 months, ive been tuning/tinkering with this thing
on and off ever since, yesterday i remove the pods to give em a clean and remove
them from the v/stacks, this time i remove the inner springs from the uni filter and refit them
over the v/stacks and take the bike for a spirited ride, the engine would break down once the slides opened fully, eventually i realize the rubber v/stacks were collapsing on them selves, and cutting off the air, it was also doing this with the springs fitted but no where near the same extent.
so i went out and got some 40mm pvc pipe and cut it down and champhered and fitted them inside the rubber v stack,
heres a pic
i was originally running a 13o main dj, which was running lean, the 138 main that came in the kit was running rich, with the above fix the 138 is now lean, i drilled out a mikuni main jet to 150, this is slightly on the rich side but runs heaps bettet, ive ordered sum 145 mikuni mains to see how it runs.