Gotta agree Raf...........your problems would be better solved in the manner you wish....however
as with any fault finding issues.........electrical or mechanical..............break it down to individual basics and proceed one step at a time .
The top pic I believe shows the wiring from the main loom to connect to the fuel gauge sensor mounted in the tunnel of the fuel tank.
I don t trust colors on pics as they may be faded cabling or washed out by a flash or not well lit . The location on the main loom seems to indicate the purpose of the cables.
The wiring within the main loom should be as per schematic but I would nt trust cabling colors from auxillary item.such as the flasher can or switcblocks as they may be aftermarket.
I ll need to see a pic of your flasher canister to see if you have the original . If you wish to restore the self cancelling function you will need this one ........if can manually cancel using other flasher cans.
Do you have a wiring schematic ?
To save us a more detailed pic and describe the particular section/part and what you need to know.
Is the wiring from the left switchblock missing wiring connector blocks or is it plugged in ? What state are the indicators in ?.............are you using the original filament globes or installing LEDS ?
Link to wiring loom connector kit........