Hi Guys,
Thought I put up a quick post with a plug for the new Australia Post 24/7 parcel lockers. I found out about them by accident and they're brilliant - but no-one I talk to seems to know about them, so I'm spreading the word. Hopefully if they are popular AusPost will keep the parcel lockers going.
In a nutshell, Australia Post is doing a trial of FREE (that's right...FREE) access to 24/7 parcel lockers at selected AusPost outlets.
You simply register online and then get a unique parcel locker address. When you shop online you use the new address and it gets delivered to the AusPost outlet. They send you a text message, you wander over to the 24/7 automated parcel boxes, scan your details and...hey presto...a box opens with your parcel inside!
It's perfect for people like me who shop online - but are never home to get the parcels, so end up getting those annoying 'we missed you' notes from the mailman!
Here's the link if you're interested: