Author Topic: front fork swap  (Read 4665 times)

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Re: front fork swap
« Reply #9 on: April 30, 2013, 06:07:14 PM »
Thanks for the informative post. Taking that into consideration, with my added weight might bring the centre of gravity quite low - if manageable. I might put these on the xs650 instead. Same issues to consider when mounting but the lighter platform might be more easy to deal with.

Bugger, thanks anyways guys.

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Re: front fork swap
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2013, 04:46:52 PM »
R1 120/70/17 3.5 inch front wheels' centre hub will be heaps wider than the skinny XS one, means R1 forks are spread apart wider than XS forks,  you'd need added spacers on the XS wheel either side of the wheel bearings to fill the gaps, you can't use the XS axle because it'll be too short and wont match the R1 forks, even if you did find matching bearings,  you'd have to use the R1 axle and hope there's bearings available to fit.  If the R1 axle is 20mm? dia it means 20X47X7 bearings.  The 7mm measurement important to match the inner spacer tube when the axle's cranked tight. Everything's got to be perfect, 1mm error is too much, the bearings soon start self-destructing if not

  You'd rig the R1 forks with their own calipers for the XS discs as two upgrades in one.   If that R1 wheel/fork combo carried 300mm discs, vertically it'd still be bang on for the 298mm XS discs but the calipers would need spacing inwards for the skinny XS wheel. If the gap is too big to bridge it wouldn't be feasible and kosher and then you'd need custom-cut brackets and all the drama.. . 

The R1 triples you'd have to use, the steering stem won't be plug & play, you'd need to rig a handlebar setup,  with clipons you'd have to poke the already short forks up thru the clamps and by then the XS's belly would practically be dragging on the road,  would with the  R1 17" radial anyway.  With the XS 19" wheel and tall tyre the lack of ground clearance wouldn't be as drastic   

Offline nozila

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Re: front fork swap
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2013, 04:06:41 PM »
Well bearings Ive already sourced a supplier. Ive also got the top triple tree of an R1. Just not the stem and bottom - wouldnt be hard to locate one if required. Although I just had a looked at the length and the R1 shocks are definitely shorter.

Offline BrettS

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Re: front fork swap
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2013, 03:57:40 PM »
I was looking into the Hayabusa front end. Seems to be the simplist option.
You need to take a 30x48x15 taper bearing to a machine shop and turn off 1mm from the outside diameter of the race to make it a 30x47x15 bearing for the top tree bearing. The Stock XS11's bottom bearing fits the BUSA tree.....the whole front end drops in from there.....even the ignition switch housing swaps right over


Hmm seems to be a bit more added to that thread since I last looked. It even has Jonesy's old bike in it now  8)
« Last Edit: April 30, 2013, 04:00:02 PM by bretts »

Offline nozila

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Re: front fork swap
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2013, 02:28:37 PM »
hm, might end up off loading these shocks then.

Offline Eveready1100

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Re: front fork swap
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2013, 01:13:47 PM »
Mate, after a bit of a think, the main issue would be if you're going to keep the original Xs wheel, as getting the axle sizes matched up along with the brake rotors to align with the calipers, speedo drive restaint mount etc. Major can of worms in this case.

You maybe could just bolt on some longer shocks which would help somewhat. have a look at PGNZ's bike. He's running late model forks and wheels, but he's also gone to a chaindrive setup to facilitate a wider rear tyre along with a monoshock.
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Offline nozila

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Re: front fork swap
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2013, 11:44:29 AM »
Thanks Ever. Perhaps you are right about the negated benefits with a modern sports fork swap. But considering I have a pair here, why not make the most of it. Although with the rear, Im assuming you mean either a revision of the swingarm say to a mono shock or just different shocks in general?

Offline Eveready1100

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Re: front fork swap
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2013, 09:04:55 AM »
Haven't dealt with a swap myself, but from what I've read, the main issue is the headstem being much longer in the XS, necessitating the swapping over of the stem from the XS lower clamp (surgery) and fitting it into the new R1 clamp. Also, new sportbike forks are generally a lot shorter than the XS's so clearance issues arise which generally negate the benefit of better forks unless an aleration to the rear end is done to counteract this effect.
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Offline nozila

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front fork swap
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2013, 11:18:07 PM »
Hi guys,

Ive read around on the US and UK xs1100 sites and just want to know if anyone here has done one. A pair of R1 front forks arrived in the post today and I was wondering if its feasible and worthwhile to put these on the 11.

Ive looked at conversion bearings on allballsracing and they seem to have upper and lower bearing kits but Im not sure exactly what else is required for the swap.

Anyone have any input?

