Author Topic: Wollongong and around.. servicing and electronics  (Read 1201 times)

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Re: Wollongong and around.. servicing and electronics
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2012, 09:57:06 PM »
The headlight fuse blowing after about 15 mins of action....
you may have a bad connection causing heat (a hot spot) at the fuse terminals........thereby derating the fuse and allowing it to blow.
you may have a larger rated headlight lamp installed....(should be 55/65watt lamp)
you may have other loads joined onto that cct causing overload
you may have an intermittent fault on the wiring at the  handlebar switch
check the stop/tail lampis the correct rating and holderterminals / connections are clean .....replace the lamps.........even if they are working.
i would start by changing the headlight bulb whether it works or not for a new one
i would take a voltage measurement with and without the bike running at various points on that circuit to see if there is any variation..................or lower than expected voltages under load.
The lower the voltage the higher the current flow................if you see any lower than expected voltages under test....................check all connections are tight ..................and clean.
Replace any connectors that seem to have lost their tension.

All connections need to be tight and firm...... check you are running the right size fuse for the headlight.
A load and voltage  test at the headlight and fuse/switches  and applying ohms law to the figures you get willl confirm where your at regarding current drawn.

If the problem was a short would blow straight away
« Last Edit: December 29, 2012, 10:13:07 PM by excess.11 »

Offline Jonesy

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Re: Wollongong and around.. servicing and electronics
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2012, 09:18:04 PM »
Hey matman
If your prepared to ride up to Bathurst I  can give you a hand to do a service and tune up, I can also highly reccommend "Lithgow Bike Stop" for a service and tyres, its run by a couple of old school fellas that know these bikes.......maybe a bit beyond your 100K radius but 
As for the fuse blowing?....if its an emergency situation you could throw in some wires to bypass the original circuit till you get some time to sit down and nut it out?
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Re: Wollongong and around.. servicing and electronics
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2012, 09:17:34 PM »
Hey Matman,

If you're keen to do the work yourself I have all the tools you need to do a minor tune (colour tune and carbitune) and oil change.  There is a local shop nearby for oil etc,

You may be hard pressed to get hold of an auto electrician this side of new years but if you can fault find using a multimeter I have one of those as well.

I live on the northern beaches of Sydney.

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Offline matman

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Wollongong and around.. servicing and electronics
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2012, 07:59:50 PM »
I just rode my XS1100 from Townsville to Wollongong the ride took 5 days all told, and I ended up with something of a sore ass.

The plan is to out a write up on here in the next few days, so I'll spare the details here, suffice to say the bike is in need of a minor tune, and maybe an oil change, and I don't have the tools here for the job.

Any advice on a good place to get these done in the region? I'm happy to ride up to Sydney or out to another place within about 100km or so for a good recommendation..

I'm also after tyres, and I have an ongoing, troublesome electrical fault: the headlight fuse blows after about 15 minutes of headlight action.
Things I've done: cleaned the main earth and changed the earth at the tail light, fixed a broken wire on the parker light, cleaned all the connections, looked for short circuits and I can't find the fault.. So, do you know a good autoelectrician around here?

righto, I think that's the list of it for now...


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