Here are some shots of the recent carbie swap I did. I uploaded these at work as we have b/band.
I will add some comments soon, when I get home and have time. Please enjoy the pics.
Got to get that damn bolt lined up (oh why did I undo the top screws), dont do this folks!!!!!no serious
These are the ones you can undo and the ones still in are the ones you dont touch......
These are the last two screws and I finally have that top part of the air filter back together. Finally the endless cursing can stop now....
Check those diaphragms....yep there were holes but have had the dodgy silicone fix....leave well alone as they still work.....
Float levels all good.....thank god.......
Put the top part of air box in first as this seems the easiest way (I say this with much jubilation) as I think there is possibly NO easy way.....must be at least a 1/2 mm gap to work with but only five knuckles on each hand and when they are all skun......well you know the story....
That's it!!!!!! I have done it and with one good knuckle left....just kiddin only one skun knuckle for the whole process.....a new record
A sneaky little trick to line up those impossible to line up plates that sandwich the whole she-bang. put the driver in hole-line up other bolt with another driver- put in screw- remove driver line up hole again and next screw in.....blah blah