WARNING - content may offend - contains images of the very attractive 1980 G model machineBOURKE, MAY 2012, XS1100 AUSTRALIA RALLY
Thursday, May 3rd Geoff (Steptoe) and Michelle arrive from Bundaberg at around 11.30am with concerns for Rhodie55 who was riding down from Townsville to meet them at their home on Wednesday night. We were unable to contact him. We decided to stick with the plan and under a bright blue sky headed across Brisbane and west onto the Cunningham Highway towards Cunningham’s Gap and Warwick.

As soon as we crested Cunningham’s Gap (after a spirited ride up the range) we rode into RAIN. We stopped for food and fuel (and donned wet weather gear) at the servo just out of the forest. Thinking dark thoughts we carried on towards Warwick. Within a couple of kloms the rain had stopped and we rode through Warwick still on the Cunningham Hwy to Inglewood where we stopped for fuel.
Then we were on again thru Yelarbon, then Goondiwindi and a few kloms south to Boggabilla for the night. We enjoyed a few drinks at the Wobbly Boot Hotel (a short walk from the motel) entertained by the publican and locals.
I think it was here that we learned that Rhodie55’s machine had failed him by developing a serious vibration. He had made it to Brisbane but then turned back.
Friday, May 4thUp early for a planned 7.00am departure I checked my oil and topped it up…..forgetting to replace the oil filler cap until I was 5km down the road. Of course it wasn’t still on the engine case where I placed it so I turned back to search for it. (This is the second time I have done this.) I found it but it had been run over, the thread was knaffed and it was no longer round and did not fit the hole. After some Macgyvering and a tube of silicon I was ready to carry on.

Steptoe on the other hand had loaded up, started up and pulled in the clutch to engage first only to have the clutch cable break!
So we rode south west on the Newell Highway towards Moree. We again fuelled up and then found Thomas-Lee M’cycles where I was able to buy a new oil filler cap ($41!!) and Steptoe had a new clutch cable made. This was a great result and a very worthwhile stop.

Riding south west under a bright blue sky, now on the Gwydir Highway, we soon came to Collarenebri where we stopped for fuel.

Then back on the bikes and south to Walgett on the Castlereagh Highway. At Walgett we stopped for lunch and fuel.

West towards Brewarrina on the Bourke-Brewarrina Road – the first 30 or so kloms slow due to road works after the recent floods. Fuel at Brewarrina then we rode on to Bourke arriving there at about 4.00pm. I was the first to arrive at Kidman’s Camp so I found the room and unpacked.

Geoff and Michelle had hired a car so they picked that up. Michelle did a food/drink shop and then headed out to the Camp. I must say that their accommodation was most salubrious.

The Melbourne crew were next to arrive along with the news that Xtian’s machine had failed about 30km from town on the Cobar road (Kidman Highway). So melbxs, coe1948 and I headed out to pick up and lend support. The sun disappeared, it got very cold, and the rabbits beside the road were nearly 1800mm high – 60km out from Bourke we realised we were given bad directions and returned to Kidman’s Camp to learn that they were 30km out on the Nyngan road (Mitchell Highway).
The Sydney crew soon arrived and with Xtian’s machine arriving on a truck we settled in to camp life around the camp fire. Scotty and Paul (nominee) camped near the camp fire area with Clutch joining them later.

Saturday, May 5thUp early and scoped out the other guys machines……

A great collection of several year models, mostly in standard trim (not modified) I like the colour of Xtian’s, envy Dale’s outfit,

and liked that Scotty’s machine is basically the most original. I reckon the sport riders (that seat??) must be disappointed that they don’t own standards but enough of that.
Errol (Eveready1100) arrived after riding basically direct from Childers – guts effort mate.

We went for a ride out on the Mitchell Highway and I took some video of the bikes rolling along then to the Back o’Bourke exhibition centre for some photos then lunch.

Saturday afternoon was taken up chatting, tuning up, tinkering etc. Saturday night we got the courtesy bus to the Bourke Bowls Club for a meal and drinks. Thanks to Paul for the rums… Jonesy had fabricated some very attractive trophies using pistons supplied by Steptoe and these were awarded at dinner.

Sunday, May 6thGeoff and Michelle, Errol, and I set off at around 8.30am heading east towards Walgett.

We stopped briefly at Brewarrina for fuel (well the bikes with the little tanks took on fuel anyway) then on to Walgett where we all fuelled.

I said my good byes there and struck out alone, north on the Castlereagh Highway, towards Lightning Ridge.

I hadn’t been this way since 1973 so I stopped at Lightning Ridge for fuel and lunch, had a nice chat with a jeweller who had an XS11 back in the day, bought a nice opal charm for my darling, and then headed north again towards St George through Hebel and Dirranbandi.

I had intended heading straight to Bollon where my brother is the copper but time was against me. The St George Show and Rodeo was on and the pubs were shut so it was motel accommodation and a very nice meal at the rather posh restaurant.

Monday, May 7th
Up at 6.00am, fuel up and off west to Bollon….. goats, emu and kangaroos still moving on the road, even a few dead pigs (bloody huge ones too) I rolled in to Bollon at about 8.15am – not much to see there

– Bro was out of town at a fatal helicopter crash site with an investigation team so we had to make do with a lengthy phone conversation during which I extolled the virtues of Lucrezia and her reliability…..A big mistake as it turned out. 40km back towards St George she began running rough finally running on two cylinders. I determined that the LHS coil was not supplying spark to cyl 1 and 4, and assumed a loose/broken wire from the rough roads. Off with the seat and tank and hey presto….there it was…. I lost about an hour by the roadside with only a half dozen vehicles going past – all of whom checked that I was ok.

Back on the road and into St George for fuel again then off towards Chinchilla and friends. I had intended heading east on the Moonie Highway to Westmar then north to Condamine then north east to Crossroads and then Chinchilla. Unfortunately, I missed a turn and found myself at Surat having headed north towards Roma on the Carnarvon Highway.

No worries I thought, turn east 32km north and still get to Condamine. This was not to be as a bridge is out on this road so it was on wards north to the Warrego Highway and traffic, roadworks and a slow trip east through Jackson, Dulacca, Miles (stop for fuel) and finally Chinchilla.
The floods out there have really done the roads a damage.At Chinchilla I stayed with Friends on their 300 acre property.
Tuesday, May 8th
After a night on the farm, off towards home and into the traffic again on the Warrego Hwy.

I stopped for food at Dalby, fuelled at Toowoomba then headed down the range turning north at Blacksoil onto the Brisbane Valley Highway stopping at Fernvale for coffee.
Then I rode north again turning onto the Wivenhoe-Somerset Road, then right again onto the Northbrook Parkway up and over Mount Glorious, down into Samford and home to Albany Creek at around 2.30pm.
Round trip – 2591.6km
Fuel – 199.721 litres
Oil – 1 litre
I had a great time, my only regret is that I should have stayed in Bourke for another day getting to know the guys a little better.