Author Topic: 2012 Macquarie Towns Rally - Windsor  (Read 7024 times)

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Offline AussiXS11G

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Re: 2012 Macquarie Towns Rally - Windsor
« Reply #15 on: September 05, 2012, 06:31:37 PM »
Great vids tiger.... 8)
Mobile 0404 540 617
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Offline tripodtiger

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Re: 2012 Macquarie Towns Rally - Windsor
« Reply #14 on: September 05, 2012, 04:54:53 PM »
jonesy gets a jersey in the first & third vids



My SmugMug albums:-
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Re: 2012 Macquarie Towns Rally - Windsor
« Reply #13 on: August 01, 2012, 05:56:22 PM »
One thing, that I can nought about, is that people clutter their bikes with their helmet, jackets, gloves etc etc.  Makes taking photos quite difficult.

The route was satisfactory.  Sid-en-ay is so bloody huge these days that we didn't get out of 80km/h speed limit areas.  The route was nice and winding.  Roughish roads and lots of traffic (IMHO).  Some quite slow riders, doing their best - including my wife.  Only a couple of people riding without consideration of other - like the half wit with the pillion on a modern scooter.  Over took me on the left but over took a friend on the left, through a left bend.  I wonder if they just happened to get caught up in the ride?

Time for something to look at

This little RD had the scars from last year.  The story goes that he just finished the restoration & in the final polish, before the rally, he polished the tyres but didn't stop at the sidewalls. :(

This little RD was having it's first run.  Not running too wel.  last year, the owner was riding a 400 with UK spec paint.

Rare.  What do you reckon it is?

Pommie bikes - if they didn't have tank badges I wouldn't have the foggiest. 

I wonder, sometimes aloud, if the value of these types of bikes will decrease in the next 15 or 20 years.  Those of us that are contemporaries of them will start to fall off the tree.  Will there be sufficient interest in later enthusiasts to maintain their value?  The value of vintage & veteran bikes hasn't seemed to slacken but, that may be a product of greater rarity.  Things that make you go hmmmmm.


My SmugMug albums:-
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73 RD250. 80 XS11. 77 RD400.  81 RD350LC. 96 Triumph Tiger & sidecar. And a W800 that I steal from the missus sometimes!

Offline tripodtiger

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Re: 2012 Macquarie Towns Rally - Windsor
« Reply #12 on: August 01, 2012, 05:34:36 PM »
There are so many things to look at, and so many people one doesn't know that it's very easy to loose track of the people you're there with, or people you know, simply by getting in to a conversation with someone who happens to be standing beside someone else's bike.  Then, a third person wanders up and so it goes.  Next thing you realise, it's time to jump back on the bike and head off again.

If you've never been to one of these things, don't be alarmed if you don't spend more than about 5% of your time with the people you are 'with'.  I personally think that's a good part of it.  I had plenty of enjoyable, interesting conversations with lots of people.

12 months down the track, the problem is that you sort of recognise the face but not exactly sure if you should know them or not. ???

Some more snaps

Best I could do with this one, too much lens flare.  My little digimatic doens't do too well with lens flare & non image forming light

Almost got me one of these years ago.  Missed out by 2 hours.

I rode my RD250

Future classic?  My wife rode hers (not this one).  I reckon they will be.  Lovely bike to ride. It will, unless my wife gives ridding away, stay in the shed for many years.  And I reckon it will last too.

I'm a fan.  Now I need to find a rack like the one on this one.



My SmugMug albums:-
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73 RD250. 80 XS11. 77 RD400.  81 RD350LC. 96 Triumph Tiger & sidecar. And a W800 that I steal from the missus sometimes!

Offline tripodtiger

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Re: 2012 Macquarie Towns Rally - Windsor
« Reply #11 on: August 01, 2012, 05:12:28 PM »
Pleasant weekend.  These classic bike rallies are a very civilised affair.  Proper paperwork and route maps; envelopes with instructions and tickets and entrant stickers, even a biro for the voting slip; prepared breakfast, lunch and dinner; powerpoint trophy presentations; bike related trivia competitions.

And, every now and then, one gets to meet someone face to face.  G'day Jonesey.  G'day Clutch.

And here are some photos:



My SmugMug albums:-
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73 RD250. 80 XS11. 77 RD400.  81 RD350LC. 96 Triumph Tiger & sidecar. And a W800 that I steal from the missus sometimes!

Offline AussiXS11G

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Re: 2012 Macquarie Towns Rally - Windsor
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2012, 07:03:16 PM »
more pics please......
Mobile 0404 540 617
1998 Laverda 750S
1984 Laverda RGS 1000
1980 Yamaha XS11
1980 XS1100 outfit

Offline Jonesy

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Re: 2012 Macquarie Towns Rally - Windsor
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2012, 12:35:56 PM »
I only talked to old mate briefly while in the q for the ferry. Turns out he's had it for 3 or 4 years and tidied it up himself. only complaint he had was lack of fuel economy. 190 k's to a 24L tank. He was going to play with Jets. I reccommended this place for information. Said he wasnt big on computers.......otherwise thats all I know.
2 X 78E's
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Offline excess.11

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Re: 2012 Macquarie Towns Rally - Windsor
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2012, 09:28:41 AM »
Hey Jonesy.........any info or more photos of the XS1100 outfit in the top pic?
« Last Edit: July 29, 2012, 10:09:51 AM by excess.11 »

Offline Jonesy

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Re: 2012 Macquarie Towns Rally - Windsor
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2012, 09:05:27 AM »
Well the rally is done and dusted
Rolled over in my warm bed about 6am and about 1 deg C outside and thought nuhI'm staying right where I am. rolled over again about a min later and deided no I'll head off to the rally as I had arranged to meet a friend there who it turns out is also a mutual friend of Ray the tripod tiger......bloody small motorcycling fraternity ay.
Any way about twenty minutes into the first 50 min stint for fuel at Lithgow the pain/numbness had started to bite into my hands. I put the gloves on the motor fuelled up and stood around for another 5 with hands in pockets trying to warm up as best I could before hitting the road again.
From Lithgow onwards it wasnt so bad, just bloody cold instead of bloody freezing. dropped down off the mountains into Richmond at about 8a.m. to the makings of a glorious sunny 12deg C day 8)
Met up with Ray and his wife at the rally starting point and recieved a route map on entry. phoned through to Eddy and Clutch the lunch stop/show and shine assembly area. Unfortunately Eddy was unable to make it but Clutch, Paul (XJR 1300 bourke) and clutches Old man came over.Sorry PeteJW I didnt have your number.
There was probly about 150 bikes? on the ride. Enough to fill 3 ferry loads for the crossing at Sackville.
It also turned out to be the rally of "BIG" things.

The BIG throttle

The BIG sidestand

and The BIG budget

I'm sure Ray will be along some time with some higher quality pics of some of the very nicely maintained bikes that were in attendance.
2 X 78E's
TRX 850.
CT 110
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Offline petejw1966

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Re: 2012 Macquarie Towns Rally - Windsor
« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2012, 10:58:43 AM »
i might head out there
if i know a few of u guys are heading out.
suzuki 2008 hayabusa gen2

former owner
1981 XS1100RH

Offline Jonesy

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Re: 2012 Macquarie Towns Rally - Windsor
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2012, 08:50:18 PM »
Still planning to be there
Might be a tad late if we have another minus degrees jack frost up here in the hills.....mighthave to phone through and get a rondevous point if the ride leaves without me?
Any other NSW/sydney siders going?
Ray. clutch make sure you have your phone on in case I need a catch up point
2 X 78E's
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Offline tripodtiger

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Re: 2012 Macquarie Towns Rally - Windsor
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2012, 05:16:25 PM »


Be there or, be somewhere else, I suppose. :D


My SmugMug albums:-
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73 RD250. 80 XS11. 77 RD400.  81 RD350LC. 96 Triumph Tiger & sidecar. And a W800 that I steal from the missus sometimes!

Offline tripodtiger

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Re: 2012 Macquarie Towns Rally - Windsor
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2012, 10:40:29 PM »

I've done that, so check your now.

This rally is your typical day and a half, classic bike club event.  Evening function Saturday night.
It's not a ride there, camp, ride home event.

Entries close 20th Jul, or you pay a late fee of $10 per entry.
There is an email address, on the entry form -

Registration from 8am on the saturday morning.
It's at the boat club which is on the river bank about a kilometre north of Windsor shopping centre - on the eastern side of the river.  It'd be pretty hard to miss the bikes heading that way.

The ride starts at 9.30am.  They ride to a morning tea spot, then a lunch spot where the display is on, voting etc.  Head off home.
Function, presentation on saturday evening.
Half day ride Sunday.
Load the trailer and head home sunday arvo.

I'm not involved with the club, just an entrant because I'm friends with one of their club members.
Last year the ride included some of the Putty Rd.  Last year.  But it was fun to get the RD back on to one of my favourite roads from when the RD was regular transport.  And it was the first place I saw an XS11 on the road.  Just thought you'd like that little memory from '78.



My SmugMug albums:-
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73 RD250. 80 XS11. 77 RD400.  81 RD350LC. 96 Triumph Tiger & sidecar. And a W800 that I steal from the missus sometimes!

Offline Jonesy

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Re: 2012 Macquarie Towns Rally - Windsor
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2012, 06:40:10 PM »
Check your pm's
Where's the central gathering place?
any other NSW blokes going?
2 X 78E's
TRX 850.
CT 110
3rd XS not bought yet

Offline tripodtiger

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2012 Macquarie Towns Rally - Windsor
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2012, 06:38:16 PM »

Macquarie Towns Motorcycle & Preservation Club Rally

28 - 29 July 2012
based in Windsor.

PO Box 4254
Pitt Town, NSW 2756

Details from the secretary, Dave.  02 456 744 10

Look out for the blue RD250!  I may have no brakes. :'(

Video and stills firing off.  See if I can do better this time around.



My SmugMug albums:-
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73 RD250. 80 XS11. 77 RD400.  81 RD350LC. 96 Triumph Tiger & sidecar. And a W800 that I steal from the missus sometimes!