Author Topic: What is this?  (Read 3661 times)

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Re: What is this?
« Reply #12 on: April 23, 2012, 11:57:45 PM »
Those carbs aren't off an RH either. Definitely off the older standard XS.

Offline Eveready1100

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Re: What is this?
« Reply #11 on: April 23, 2012, 10:24:28 AM »
Yes BERT??? (Ian and Susan))  I'll go along with Steps on the bikes value for money. Any running bike that looks to be straight with reasonable tryes and decent bodywork has to be an easy grand, so you look like you've done well. I paid $600 for my parts bike which wasn't running and had the exhaust system nearly rusted completely away, but it's still saved me a lot of hassle and money from the bits it's donated to date.
Also, when you do get the bike, we only need the first 3 digits of the vin numbers to identify the model. You can keep the rest of them private.
1979 XS1100 SF Special
1978 XS1100E Donor
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Offline steptoe

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Re: What is this?
« Reply #10 on: April 22, 2012, 08:20:06 PM »
a grand is more than a fair deal, as long as it runs half decent,,

one thing to check going on the piccys , under the front footpeg on the ground is a small pool of fuel,,

there's a few things to look for but we'll get to that :)

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Re: What is this?
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2012, 05:49:58 PM »
Hi everyone........the bike arrives on Monday and we picked it up for $1000 from you reckon we got a decent deal ?. The seller did send us a wee vid of the bike running so we're half way there !. As soon as the bike arrives, we'll post the vin No's etc and hopefully someone will know exactly what we have then Susan and I will get on with the job of putting her back to how she should be...( the bike not Susan ! )
Thanks for the help so far,
Ian and Susan

Ps...please excuse me, for I am a computer illiterate, and may inadvertantly reply more than once  to any given subject etc...!!!!!!!!!!

Offline melbxs

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Re: What is this?
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2012, 08:14:29 AM »
 Ev is right as usual.  Frame and engine should be 5n5 which makes it an xs1100rh. 1980 onwards.
Forks and clocks are older. No offset on the front wheel spindle proves forks are not RH in origin.
Wheels are RH.
Get the numbers and go from there. 

Offline pato_59

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Re: What is this?
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2012, 09:57:11 PM »
you blokes never stop suprising me with omni knowledge of things!!!    All I got was the wheels!

Offline steptoe

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Re: What is this?
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2012, 08:39:14 PM »
 hi bert, welcome to the site,,
easiest way is to check the compliance plate on the steering head, from the pics it,s all rh sports, except for the front end which has had a hic-cup along the way, hence the older front end and gauges

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Re: What is this?
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2012, 08:31:36 PM »
told ya they'd be along soon
2 X 78E's
TRX 850.
CT 110
3rd XS not bought yet

Offline Eveready1100

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Re: What is this?
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2012, 08:10:29 PM »
I recall that the seller said the bike needed minor work to get it on the road. If you could let us know what those details are, I'm sure someone online here will be able to help you get it sorted.
Did you get a manual with it? If not, have a look around the site and you will find links to downloadable manuals for your bike. For positive ID, Post up the first 3 digits of your engine and frame numbers and we'll know exactly what you are dealing with here, which helps a lot.
Also, regarding the square guages on an RH, maybe the wiring harness has been changed to suit them, so down the track we may need some details of what's behind the left (lockable) sidecover to shed some light on this bit.
If you've got any more photos of the bike, we'd appreciate you posting them up.
From those two, and the previous discussions about the bike in the Ebay section, The bike is an 81 RH sport from the steering stem back. Front forks are the standard (78E type) with matching calipers and front guard, though it has the RH swirly wheel fitted. It would be interesting to see what model triple clamps it has as that will affect the steering to some degree. That fairing looks to be a variation of a Rickman 3/4 sport fairing, but with a rectangular headlight opening as opposed to the more normal round one.
Oh, by the way, welcome to the site and I'm sure you will get plenty of helpful advise on any queries you have about your new classic.

P.S. the engine hasn't got a kickstart shaft sticking out ofthe clutch casing, has it?
Just trying to zero in on the exact details of your bike.
1979 XS1100 SF Special
1978 XS1100E Donor
"I know stuff about stuff."

Offline excess.11

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Re: What is this?
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2012, 06:46:04 PM »
Hi Ian and Susan, basically it s whats commomnly called a "Bitzer".
Bits of this and that ll be glad to know...most of it is an XS1100 of sorts.........aside from the aftermarket fairing.
How long ago did you buy it ? we have been following the progress of the seller on here in the Ebay tab section....where you ll find many comments and whatever information could be gleaned from the previous owner.
As your not really sure about this bike....i assume you picked it up for a song?.
What plans do you have for it?

Offline Jonesy

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Re: What is this?
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2012, 06:18:07 PM »
Hey Ian and Susan
I'm sure there will be others more XS ly knowlegable along soon but in 78 there were no 1.1's or sports' just a standard. (24litre tank, straight spoke wheels, square clocks, blinkers, tail and headlights)
to me it looks like you got a "80" onwards model fitted with home made exhaust, after market fairing, standard clocks and headlight.
Standard engine and frame numbers start with 2H9
2 X 78E's
TRX 850.
CT 110
3rd XS not bought yet

Offline bert

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What is this?
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2012, 05:11:02 PM »

hi all,

can anyone identify exactly what year and model this bike is? it has square headlight, square clocks but rounded tank and sports seat (blinkers are a mix of square and round) - the person we purchased her from thought it was a 1978 1.1 sport. Thanks Ian and Susan