Author Topic: No more Rego Stickers NSW  (Read 1592 times)

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Re: No more Rego Stickers NSW
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2013, 12:59:24 PM »
It has to do with the new technology in cop cars now,  number plate info is  punched in while following you, it comes up make model rego,d or not , who owns it, address and all sorts,

The heavies we drive now don,t need the stickers,,  spending sqwillions in the cop cars and cutting  office costs I guess

Offline Tim

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Re: No more Rego Stickers NSW
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2013, 10:21:52 PM »
I had a dicussion with a nice lady at the local rta  orofice   and queensland  will be following the the rest of the states  couldn t get an
exact time line on it but its comming  ie  a friend at work  paid rego got a reciept  back no sticker  , was tols it was optional he had to harass them to get one  so the roll out of the new technology is going nation wide
big brother will know 
former xs  owner  but still has an itch

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Re: No more Rego Stickers NSW
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2013, 06:56:29 AM »
The one thing that worries me about no more rego stickers is the stickers are  an easy check of the date the rego is due,bloke next door got done for expired licence and swore he did not get a renewal notice,cost him $500 or so,a female relative who moved states and did not change her car or licence over to NSW in the time period allowed  was threatened with a $1500 fine for an  unregistered uninsured vehicle and booked for no licence despite the Victorian licence still being in date,so the fines are steep and if something happens to the renewal notice it will be you in the wrong,thinking about making my own sticker to put on my vehicles with the date rego is due,stickers will still be needed on bikes with Classic rego in NSW I was told the other day.

Offline BrettS

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Re: No more Rego Stickers NSW
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2013, 01:53:42 AM »
Yes, I heard from my mate in WA how he got caught out when he moved or something and with no rego sticker he did not realise that he was driving the car after the rego had run out. Think he copped a fine  :-X
So something to be carefull of for those new to this.
Great point XSNT, something I forgot to mention.

Offline XSNT999

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Re: No more Rego Stickers NSW
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2013, 01:22:49 AM »
Hey Bretts

That's interesting, here in SA they got rid of labels some time ago for all vehicles, you are required to carry a receipt in your glove box though in case they can't call up a rego check on a computer.  I now carry the receipt in the old label holder on the bike just in case.

This new law here created havoc for all the footy fans travelling to Melb for the finals as the Vic cops were having a field day with the SA drivers and fining them for not displaying a rego label, complaints came thick & fast and the pollies here in SA had to talk to the pollies in Vic to sort it all out.  Such bullshit just to save a few dollars in labels, but they do catch a lot of people who forget their rego is due by not having a reminder on their screen or bike, eh!


1978 XS1100E

Offline BrettS

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No more Rego Stickers NSW
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2013, 01:12:49 AM »
I noticed on the RTA website that the new law came into effect on New Years Day. I was a little premature and had not placed the rego sticker on the bike since it was rego'd a couple months back so I was glad my worries where over.
Then the other day riding through town to pick up a six pack while the home brew chilled I was pulled over at a breath test station.
The officer attending me was quite concerned about my attire of shorts T-shirt and thongs, and if it was not for his rude attitude I would say he was even concerned for my safety.
I had had two drinks but was still quite puzzled when after the breathalyzer test he asked me to put my bike to the side as I was pretty sure two drinks was not going to cause a big boy like me much trouble.
He then announced that my bike had no rego sticker so he was going to check registration. I proclaimed that it was a light vehicle and from the 1st they no longer needed to show a rego sticker.
When was the bike last registered he demanded, bout two months ago I said. The rego sticker you were given must be displayed until it runs out he said.
Oh you must be mistaken I said, I was only at the RTA a few days ago and they explained that they need not be shown after the 1st.
But no he wears that blue suit and it would be impossible for him to be wrong and his attitude towards me continued to get worse  8)
He checked the bike rego and gave me the all clear but we both carried the disagreement further. Him stating that I am a belter so I don't think I was wrong in thinking he really wanted an excuse to take me to a cell and give me a good belting.
I figured it was best to make a quick exit but when I got home and checked the website I am the kind of idiot that printed out a copy and went back to show him how wrong he was.
Probably lucky for me they had just packed up and left as I returned  ::)

Here is a link for anyone dumb enough to argue with police that are stuck out on the road in 40 degree heat and a bad attitude.  :P