This is an email I got from Bikers Anon.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: [bikers_anon] Fwd: [Delegates] CTP story in today's Saturday Telegraph. "Costs driving motorbike riders off the road".
Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2010 09:27:37 +1030
From: Rodney Clark <>
To: <>, <>
OK here's a plan. Get a generic letter going. One where you've only gotta change a few bits and pieces Get it posted on all the other bike websites people are on and get every one to email (at least twice) . And send hard copies as well. At least some one may stand up to get our vote! Something like this. The following is an example my mate wrote.
Dear (insert name)
I am writing to you to bring your attention to the outrageous rise in CTP green slips for Motor Cycles. I am a (insert political affiliation) voter, but my vote will be going to who ever will stand up and fight for the right of motor cyclists in NSW.
We are charged the same tolls as cars, yet we take up less than ? space of a normal car, we produce fewer emissions, cause less damage to roads and do not add to road congestion.
The argument for the rise in CTPs will of course be that younger riders contribute to a larger proportion of accidents. Well if the government were concerned about trying to fix this problem they would be looking at subsidised training courses. Not gauging young riders pockets by over 50% more.. Of course the government will say its not up to them and they dont get any money out of it. GST! The NSW Government gets its cut of the GST every year so it is in there best interests to carry on letting the insurance companies ripping of NSW riders.
The rise in new riders and scooter riders due to rising fuel costs and inner city congestion and people wanting to lower there carbon footprint will of course now be offset by a 50% increase in the CTP. NSW has to change the way CTP is run. I can enter my details into any of the seven companies that offer CTPs with my details and the price difference can be up to $400. How is that possible? And quite often the cheap company this year will be the most expensive one next year.
Other states such as TAS, SA, ACT, WA and VIC have rates set by the state and they are across the board, not some number that the insurance companies come up with this year. In fact the average price for a CTP from TAS, SA and ACT is around $400 for a bike over 250 and VIC and WA average around $100.. I think after years of being ripped of for CTP this is the last straw.
Yours Sincerely
(Insert your Name)