apart from the incident that Ev told, which BTW put me instantly into the bitumen at 110klm,,
many yrs ago now, 160 klm west of Rocky idling along at 150ish, I flew over a rail over pass down into a left hander and thru a mob {7} cattle and 3 horses that were in the middle of the road,,,
it,s really funny {not ha ha} what goes thru your mind at that point,,, I clearly remember counting the cattle and horses as I rode towards them thinking this is really going to hurt, I purposely picked a line between them, made sure I was centred on
the bike


,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and closed my eyes

I felt a couple of the animals as I whizzed thru them and just clipped the last cow as I rode thru her arse,,,,
to this day I can,t believe I didn,t come off, I clipped her with the very outside edge of the headlight shattering the right side fairing, folding the handle bar over the tank, slicing my hand open and the end of a finger as the mirror disintegrated and dislocating a finger or two
from that point, never ride faster than your guardian angel can fly has been my motto