" Sorry accidentally ended last listing . When I bought these bikes they had been stripped and stored for many years , they were both matching number bikes , I used the best bits to make the bike in the photos . It is not currently matching numbers but could be . Its not a show bike but you can take it out on a sunny day and be fairly confident you'll make it home or on a rainy day you can tinker with it in the shed . The second engine is currently stripped because I inadvertently bent the inlet valves but was running till then . The one that's together blows some smoke on startup but clears up (valve stem seals I suspect) and could use a tune and maybe clutch plates . Frame and motor were blasted and painted but tank and side covers etc need painting as per photos . Bike has new tyres , new brakes (front feel a bit wooden)and is on non transferable club rego . If you want more info or to have a look give me a call on 0438524745 . Cheers
Spares bike is not complete , missing seat , tank leaks , most chrome has some rust ."