Hi Guys
I had a day off work today, compensation for having to work on the weekend, however the weather looked ok and I finally decided a ride was in order. It's been a while so I decided a run to Tailem Bend (100kms) on the freeway was in order to blow out the cobwebs first, have a coffee & a bite to eat, then cross the Murray River on the Ferry at Wellington then back to Adelaide via Strathalbyn and through the hills, round trip 220kms. A lovely outing, stopped to see some friends and was gone for 5-6 hrs.
I got all my gear out, (full suit, not sure if weather would hold) only to find the battery was flat, lucky lucky lucky, I have an "E" model, out came the kick start lever, a couple of kicks and she was running. I did the same again at the servo a few minutes later, (I never seem to fill up after a ride) and then off I went, it never missed a beat after that. It's moments like that I really appreciate that lever sitting under the frame and for the life of me I can't see why they ever got rid of it.
Days like today make me love this bike even more. I hope you are all getting in some good rides. Holidays are booked for next year's rally, I can't wait.