Found out the hard way last weekend that universal tubes don't quite cut it compared to specific sized tubes.
Un be known to me my favourite bike shop is fitting universal tubes ( a wide size range) the particular tube in question that was in the tyre I newly fitted for Bourke covered all sizes from 100/90/17 up to 150/60/17.
Any way as you can see in the pics below the tube was too big for this application and was all folded and creased over too fit in the tyre. one of the creases fatigued and wore a hole resulting in a flat tyre on Saturday afternoon in Wellington NSW where everything shuts at midday.
result was a very light wallet after calling out the local tyre shop after hours
$100 call out fee
1/2 an hour at $120 an hour labour
$20 for a tube................glad it didn't happen on our ride day out to the Engonia pub from Bourke. Mind you with the spares me ol mate Errol carries it may not have been a drama

The blokes I was riding with were suitably impressed how easy a wheel removal was compared to there Harleys....among other brands present and that cool little cable shocky compressor device.
Anyway.....moral of the story is insist on specific sized tubes for your tyres.
you can see the creases and down the bottom 150/60/17