Aside..... from having to physically return the throttle between every gear change on the way up to Bourke ?
Or the plastic changing from soft to harder in the sun and cooler weather?
............ hmmmmmmmmmmm
Is it too late to plastic weld that perfectly once good container back together?
I see a new medical phenomena occuring........."Reverse Throttle Wristitis". (RTW)
A completely different scenario to Bryans woes......Medically referred to as "OffOnya Assitis" (OOA)
Either of these friction/palm rest controls should bear this ....
"Warning before may suffer from.....RTW or OOA..."
With an accompanying pic of Bryan out of action.....being attended to.
I think we may have a new...... Public Awareness / RTA campaign.
( A picture is worth a thousand words ...although.....we might have to photoshop Bryans smile and 2 finger salute out of the pic .)
Maybe Bryan was delirious after the off.......thought he was still at the bar........and was ordering up 2 beers.....
......we may never know!!!