The ruless are different state to state. Is that a surprise?
In NSW, the club has to be an acknowledged Historic Vehicle Club. Incorporations, meetings, public officers, committee, books including a 'day book' etc etc etc.
The idea that a club could be created within a forum is probably ahead of its time

In NSW, you have to be a member of a Club to have a vehicle Historically Registered - it's a form of 'Conditional rego'.
You can have your vehicle inspected normally - ie pink slip.
You can have your vehicle inspected via your Club's authorised officer,
Our club - Griffith CMCC - has authorised officers in Griffith and Wagga. Over here, we have annual inspection days in late Nov / early Dec. The club officers do the papers, send it all off and then the owners get a bill to pay to finalise the rego.
If the club officer is agreeable, inspections can be done anytime. Our club just chooses to try & do as many simultaneously as possible.
In NSW you are allowed to ride, without a recod in the day book, for service & maintenance within 15km of home. It would be considered an abuse to be using an H rego to commute routinely.
My commute is 5km & I only work about 8 days a month. I have used that prior to events to make sure everything is running okay. Sometimes, I will ride the RD on one day and the XS on another, to circulate the oil etc. I have fully registered bikes that I use normally.
In NSW, riding outside the 15km radius has to be on a scheduled event. Our club has scheduled day rides on the 1st & 3rd Sunday of each month, in both Griffith & Wagga. Last month, we did a 450km day ride on one Sunday. There was no special notation in the day book, as the permanent days are in minutes of some meeting in the dim, distant past.
In NSW, if I was planning to go, say to the MT rally in Windsor, I get the MT registrar to forward an invite to my Club. The invite is recorded in the minutes and i can go, no dramas.
In NSW, if I wanted to say, go to the 2013 VJMC rally in S.A. but make it a multi-day tour through the Great Ocean Rd and other parts, I have to send that info off to be minuted and then I can go, no proplems.
In NSW, there is no log book. You are required to carry your rego papers, with the conditions endorsed, and you Club membership documents. They must be produced on lawful demand - pulled up by the coppers or have a prang.
If you breach the regulations, you're a cockhead! You're just making problems for the whole system, as soon as some 'anti' person gets a bee in their bonnet they'll go searching for breaches of the regs with the idea of killing it off.
In VIC, they seem to have a system with 90 (?) days indescriminant use, provided you complete a log book - presumably in advance? The true beauty of that is you can have 4 red plate bikes for less than one normally registered bike. 4 x 90 days = 5 less than a full year. Don't quote me on that, I'm from NSW.
In Vic - 25 years for 'red' plate
in NSW - 30 years for 'H' rego. And the month of build is irrelevant. ie, it only looks at the year.
In NSW, there are issues regarding the interpretation of 'historic'. You probably couldn't get someone to sign off on you custom modified XS11 with R1 forks, wheels, suspension, brakes, swingarm, instruments, led indicators, tail & brake lights etc. Probably not within the spirit or inyention of the regs.
One of our club inspection officers doesn't even want to pass period style cafe racers, choppers etc. Thankfully, he's only one.
Hope that helps.
It sounds like a lot of chasing around, but it's not, really. Club's are pretty much set up to just follow the bouncing ball. Join a classic club, it's bloody easy.