I had another failure to proceed yesterday morning. So I had to take the W(oman's)800. My new paint job didn't get it's first public showing.
And I was so looking forward to the anticipated oohs & ahhs.
One of the petcocks leaked from the petcock/tank seal - more like a river than a leak.
I think it was the other petcock that the vacuum seat didn't. Seat that is. So it just let fuel run.
'Mike's XS', in the USofA, sells manual petcocks that I know fit the XS750. A friend has them.
I'm wondering if anyone can confirm whether the 1100 & 750 share the same design petcock?
This is the link I found.
http://www.mikesxs.net/products-34.html#productsOEM part nos:
Left 2H7 24500 00
right 2H7 24510 00
Mike's XS claimed OEM part nos;
Left 447-24500-02
right 447-24510-02
I think that manual petcock is, for the amount of use mine gets, a better option. One thing I like is the option of running the carbs 'empty' when I put it away. Fuel will evaporate from the tank, a bit, but if it evaporates from the carb it tends to create problems.
I know I could just replace the seals, again... I'm looking for a better solution.
Any other options would be gladly received.