Author Topic: Project 3131  (Read 1481 times)

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Offline makzy

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Re: Project 3131
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2013, 08:12:45 PM »
I've been married twice too! Now i do what I want to do! Except if my roster says i have to work. :-(
 79 XS1100 STD (hack)
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( yet to be played with )
   ( ride the way you want to)

Offline XSNT999

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Re: Project 3131
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2013, 06:28:50 PM »
That makes heaps of sense,  ;D I've been married twice, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do!!!


1978 XS1100E

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Re: Project 3131
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2013, 06:16:24 PM »
Hey Paul,  If I remember correctly, the process of rebuilding/restoring an old piece of machinery definately fits in the fun category. 

I will more than likely ride the 78 to Bourke.  But first I have to plan She who must be obeyed's birthday celebrations for the week before  Bourke thereby freeing me up for the weekend of Bourke and She Who is now happy that I remembered (finally) a birthday will send me off happily.

I think that made sense?????????

"If we do what we always do then
we will never be more than we are"
Poh (Kungfoo Panda).
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Re: Project 3131
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2013, 04:36:50 PM »
Hi Eddy

That sounds like fun, I'm in the middle of my rebuild of my one and only 78E, as soon as the sand blasters come back to work I hope to have frame done and painted and then start the process of putting it all back together when Malcolm Pitman has finished with the engine.  I too have taken photos but also struggle to post them on this forum.

By the way which bike will you be taking to Bourke??

Cheers Paul

1978 XS1100E

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Project 3131
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2013, 04:08:07 PM »
Hi Fellas,

Finally got my arse into gear and have commenced Phase 2 of project 3131.


1991 I completely disassembled every nut, bolt and washer from my 78E and put it in milk crates, there she remained in the back of my garage until 1998. I started the rebuils and was completely lost so I found 3131, a 81 Standard advertised in Motorcycle Trader and bought her from a guy in Tweed Heads in as a doner bike for my 78E and as a guide as to what went where.  I finished 78E in 1999 and  on the road she went.  3131 has sat in my garage since then.  18 months ago I brought 3131 out and tried to start her.  8 bent valves and a fireball later I decided to rebuild her.  So Phase one of Project 3131 commence during the 2011 Chrissybreak.  So this is where I'm at in Phase two:

The plan for this one is a factory correct model wth no aftermarket mods (fingers crossed I can get all the bits.
-Frame and  swingarm has been sandblasted and painted gloss black
-New steering head and swing arm bearings.
-Engine has been checked, bottom end is sound
-Top end has a new Barrel (thanks Dale) bored 0.50 oversize with NOS rings and pistons, New cam chain, new CT tensioner (Thanks ebay)
-Head has been completely rebuilt by Brookvale head reconditioners with all NOS parts (ebay).
-NOS gasket kit including head gasket (ebay)

How do I put a photos on this page??????
More to follow

81H project 3131
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"If we do what we always do then
we will never be more than we are"
Poh (Kungfoo Panda).
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