Went to Broadford over Easter for the HBBB. Was very much fun. I only took the RD. The XS stayed in the shed, to my regret. I thought I would be taking someone else's bike but that fell over and I hadn't booked the second bike in.
Anyway. It was huge fun. I had the gopro and the still cameras going lots. Huge amount of eye candy but not one XS. I mean, there was one GS1000L for doG's sake!
The RD carved em up in teh bends, but just didn't have it on the straights. Give it it's due, the thing is 39 years old, running standard tuning with the normal paper air filter and standard exhausts. AND, it has to drag me around, including down the straights when my helmet peak prevented me from crouching because I couldn't see. That, and the fact that I'm 20kg heavier than I was when I was 17. Anyway. it was fun.
Have a look at some of the footage
and a heap of stills in my HBBB folder in SmugMug:
That is me lining up to pass a friend on his 750. It would take me half the track to get around him so I led onto the front straight. He'd be passed, mostly before the finish line, and then I'd get back onto him down the hill, through the esses and by the time we exited the hair pin behind the pits I'd be close enough to get around him on the right hander leading back onto the straight. It was fun. And that is in one of the videos.