Author Topic: Chasing those "Elusive Lumens"....(and volt drop problems)  (Read 1340 times)

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Re: Chasing those "Elusive Lumens"....(and volt drop problems)
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2012, 10:09:30 AM »
If a component is suffering from poor performance and the fault is not plainly obvious start with a battery check.With the bike not running you should have somewhere between 12.3-12.7 v.......any more or less.....get the manual out or call a friend.
I recently purchased a new AGM Battery as an upgrade to the one that i had....not that anything was wrong.........things soon went south though as that one was stuffed.After installing the replacement and recieving an apology from a disbelieving seller.... all was good.
After checking the battery with a multimeter...keep the positive lead connected and take the neg lead to different parts of the rectifier ground lugs/neg connections in connectors/indicator stems etc.
When checking voltages on inline connectors....check both sides in and out.
Great link and advice on above post..........thx Xtian.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2012, 11:23:22 AM by excess.11 »

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Re: Chasing those "Elusive Lumens"....(and volt drop problems)
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2012, 10:02:51 AM »
Use Philips Vision Plus globes and use a relay to connect the headlight....problem solved

This is what I use and have done for years with no problems at all
« Last Edit: February 18, 2012, 10:06:57 AM by xtian »
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Chasing those "Elusive Lumens"....(and volt drop problems)
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2012, 08:18:30 AM »
At the "Dumb " end of the scale.........change your visor or get new glasses if they are crazed or tinted.......... for night riding (sorry just had to get that one out of the way!!).
Replace the acrylic cover, if you have one, over your headlight or in your fairing if it is losing it s transparency.(Second dumb one out of the way!!).
When was the last time you checked or adjusted your headlight? Changed Shocks /front spring settings/added a fairing.all will alter how a bike sits on the road and these headlights aren t self levelling.Fit a new globe and take it out onto a dark road and reset the high and low beam .
Check internally your headlight  glass and reflector.These can have a fine film over them that needs cleaning.Use a swap of soft cloth tied to a piece of coathanger wire that can be bent to get into the corners and methylated spirits.........or replace the unit if the glass is cracked or reflector has degraded.... if you can find one!!!

Replace your Halogen globe even if it is still working!!!!
These lamps "wear down" losing intensity over time.

Replace your Halogen globe even if it is still working!!!!
These lamps "wear down" losing intensity over time.
This one was worth saying twice for the price and possible results!!!

Don t buy the extra couple of dollars if needed and buy Narva or Hella brand globes.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2012, 11:20:37 AM by excess.11 »