Author Topic: Granya Gap etc  (Read 1852 times)

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Offline tripodtiger

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Re: Granya Gap etc
« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2011, 11:37:26 AM »

This'd be the next bit.

Granya Gap C546 . north-south.  Granya to Bullioh. Murray River Rd to Murray Valley Highway.

The southern end is between Tallangatta and Koetong.

About the speedo.  hmmm.  ah stiff shit.  You don't need an inaccurate speedo to work out how fast someone is travelling from a video.
We will always have the fun police, do-gooders and nay-sayers.  They can have their cotton wool world.


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73 RD250. 80 XS11. 77 RD400.  81 RD350LC. 96 Triumph Tiger & sidecar. And a W800 that I steal from the missus sometimes!

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Re: Granya Gap etc
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2011, 09:52:28 AM »
put the loop into google maps, then hit the terrain bit,
      a very interesting looking day ride, lots of hills,, lots of corners,,

 might have to go for a ride ourselves ay Ev :o ;D ;D :P

couldn't find the actual gap though, which road did you turn right onto, was it burrowye rd?
looks good any which way

video showed it well,, might move the cam so you can't see the speedo tho ;) :-X
« Last Edit: December 23, 2011, 09:56:38 AM by steptoe »

Offline tripodtiger

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Granya Gap etc
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2011, 09:21:07 PM »

Just a day ride.  I took the XS, now that I worked out the electrical problem in the tail lights & turn signals.  Not fixed properly but, knowing how these things go, it will probably stay ass it is until the cable tie perishes. ;)

Tanya was on her K75.  Hubby Mick on his R1150S.  Tony on the restored z900. Mick and Liz dragged out the XJ900.  It was Liz' first ride in several months following knee surgery.

From Wagga we travelled south to Cookardinia, Morven, even quieter back roads to Mullengandra.  Then negotiated road changes following the opening of the dual carriage freeway to Boona.
Turn east along Boona Rd to Wymah Ferry.  And Lake Hume is nearly full!  After years of almost nothing.
At the ferry, we met up with some blokes I've met through AdvRider.  Graham had his T100 Bonnie (the 625 shakes at bit too much), Mark on the G650GS and Keith on his R1200GS.

Heading east, it was 'the coast road', the Murray River Rd, as entre.  Walwa for a top up, as I wasn't sure what sort of range the XS would get (I had 5 litres on the back too). Then past Tintaldra.  Turn back west at Towong (I could retire up there) and a quite long lunch at Corryong.

Back on the bikes, westward ho! along the Murray Valley Highway, past Koetong and turn right to pass over Granya Gap.  The famous Granya Gap.  It only takes about 12 to 14 minutes, depending on traffic.  I've only every ridden it once before, on the 690 and heading south.

Only one word for it.  Awesome. 8)

Mick & Tony made a break for it.  Keith and I sat waiting for the others to make sure they got the turn off.  Keith rides this regularly and those 1200s go.  Nice & smooth.

The old XS?  New tyres were a revelation.  It actually steered quite nicely.  And, since I've been actually practicing rear wheel braking. I've become hugely more confident in making the old girl turn. I wonder what it looks like from the back with the brake light on almost all the way through the curve, including once I'm on the gas?

This was fun.

Over Granya, back to the ferry were those from Albury separated and out little group headed home via Holbrook - Tony & I needed to make sure we'd both get home.  5 spare litres probably wasn't sufficient, since we'd been stretching the legs just a bit.  We also had to have some coffee and cake. ;D

And, just to prove the point about wet weather gear.  We stopped at Boonah to drag on the wet weather gear.  We rode through a very brief shower, maybe 3 or 4 km, then nothing for the remaining 150km home.

Nice way to spend the day.

I'll add the second half a bit later, once I've edited it.

Can't embed on this forum?  Or have I just forgotten how to do it, since it's been a few weeks?



My SmugMug albums:-
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73 RD250. 80 XS11. 77 RD400.  81 RD350LC. 96 Triumph Tiger & sidecar. And a W800 that I steal from the missus sometimes!