it's fascinating to watch, even a little {a lot} bit scary sometimes,
watched the story 'sunday night' did last week on it,, Murry Walker,,{the voice of motor sport} said his dad won it in the early 20's or 30's I think he said,,
in the story during the week leading up to this yrs race if I heard right, 7 people had died trying,,
maybe I don't get it, can a race track {if you call it that} be to small for some machines,, it'd be kind of like putting todays V8's on an early 1970's bathurst track, it's do-able but
I know at some point they open it as a race track to the general riding public,, the fella that thinks he's bullet proof, but finds out he's not and that's when a few people die,, but is that before or after the main race days