March 2008
Think Twice…………..
There I was, setting up the days work, when Jon (no. 2 son) turns up with Kate and reveals that they have taken the day off to test ride bikes between Brisbane north side and Slacks Creek with a view to replacing his recently sold R6. What was I doing? Want to come? Get your gear and let’s go! Mmmmmm I think, why not? Nothing pressing today. Quality bonding time. I’m in.
It was Wednesday Jan 30, hot, alternating between scorching sun and summer downpours. The road drying off virtually immediately the rain stopped.
Seems he is taken with the Honda VTR 1000, as am I, (Mitchell has one) so with luck we will see some of those.
Found a red one, 2005 model, low klms at a north side dealer. Hard to start, didn’t idle well, not too good overall. Rode a Kawasaki Z750 there as well. Jon loved the Z750, I found it a little light and underpowered (he reckons I am old school)
Pressed on and rode several machines at various dealers (FZ6, GS500, VFR800, Z1000 (with a crappy can) and a matt black VTR1000 {with leaky cam chain tensioner}) all good clean fun – lofting front wheels here and there, boys were boys.
How about a ride on that ZRX1200R? I offered. Oh, good choice sir, I’ll bring it around.
Jon on a Z1000, me following on the big Kwaka, up Moss St., Feels like my 1.1 in some ways, steers similar, balance similar, cant really gas it, too much traffic. Turn left, down the hill and turn left again, gas a little to catch up. Roundabout or chicane up ahead, Jon about 15-20m in front. Car dashes out from the right, Jon brakes so I brake. SIX PISTON CALIPERS!!!! Next view I see is looking at the front wheel sliding on shiny black slick as I highside. Hit the road on my right shoulder and slide at 40kmh into the end of a traffic island, bounce and slide some more. Lying on my back unable to breathe or move. Realize my legs and left arm work and I can raise my head so not too serious. Must’ve lost consciousness for a time as the ambulance seemed to arrive almost immediately. Jon was fantastic, reassuring me, telling some idiot not to touch my helmet, saying the ambos are on the way. Ambos arrive and hack off my favorite jeans, m’cycle jacket and shirt, scoop me up off the road and off to PA hospital. Mmmmm morphine, still bloody hurts though. Leesa and the kids arrive – seemed like they were already there to me. They all looked worried, really worried.
So, punctured lung, 4 fractured ribs, 3 fractured transverse processes, fractured clavicle (all right side) and serious fractures to left wrist. Oh, and some colorful bruising (see pics)
!8 days in hospital, one 6 hour operation installing plates, screws, pins in L wrist and home to lick my wounds. Thanks to all for visits, phone calls, well wishes and offers of help.
It’s 38 days now – still can’t cough, sneezing is out of the question, not sleeping through (ribs still limiting this), back in the conjugal bed though (having what Leesa is calling ‘cripple sex’) and back working as of this Monday just gone. The left wrist is still in plaster, booked for a second operation in early April. Hoping I will be able to operate a clutch at the end of it. The surgeon is not guaranteeing “full articulation” of the joint.
Would I choose to take a break from work to hang out with my son on bikes next time? I would think twice, but you all know that I would go.