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Workshop / Re: Front End issues
« Last post by Jonesy :-) on January 07, 2024, 04:31:30 PM »
How did things checkout mosto?
Bits Needed / Re: Brake shims
« Last post by Jonesy :-) on January 07, 2024, 04:29:48 PM »
Good to know, down and back up to and from berowra ferry is pretty tight ay .
Bits Needed / Re: Brake shims
« Last post by Paul on January 05, 2024, 03:31:22 PM »
Just as an update, I found it easiest to just get these from Yambits Uk. Postage is a hip pocket pain compared to the price of the shims but hey, I need the parts. These were for my E model, put in a good spin the other day on my RH, 350 kay loop from Lake macquarie, Wisemans Ferry, Bowrora and the old Pacific, scratching with the full leather brigade, it was great.
General Bike Talk / Breakfast Torque 2023
« Last post by Christian Raith on January 05, 2024, 12:14:35 PM »
Workshop / Re: Front End issues
« Last post by mosto on January 03, 2024, 12:13:50 PM »
Hey Jonesy
Thanks for the suggestions, will give them a crack and see what happens.
Had a feeling it is some sort of alignment problem.
Workshop / Re: Front End issues
« Last post by Jonesy :-) on January 03, 2024, 06:48:44 AM »
Hey Mosto
2. Could be stiction in the forks and or warped brake disc. Check discs for run out with dial indicator or something similar.  How do the forks feel sitting on the bike holding the brake and compressing front end?
1. Put it up on center stand and run a string line along the tyres to see how straight or not it is
Righteo, now, about this Walcha junket - 13-14 January 2023 (the weekend after next)
John and I are departing the Gold Coast Friday morning, to Grafton, Nymboida, Ebor, Armidale, Uralla, then Walcha. We have accommodation booked at the Walcha Royal Cafe  and will be ensconced there Friday night.
Please call (0404540617), message, or email me and let me know your movements.
I would like numbers attending so that I can book Saturday Night Dinner at the Commercial Hotel - for those willing.
The Oxley Highway and Thunderbolts way can both be explored fro Walcha.
Let me know please.

This pic from May 2023 outside the Walcha Royal Cafe

Workshop / Front End issues
« Last post by mosto on January 01, 2024, 04:19:28 PM »
Just got the bike regoed after last on road in 2002 and having some issues with the front-end making riding unbearable.
One thing known is the head stem bearings need to be replaced.
Not sure if this is the problem so looking for possible solutions to the issues listed.
1. Steering pulling to the left mainly (feels worse at slower speeds) constantly having to adjust.
2. Continual minor bouncing / pulsing sensation.

My arms are worn out, so parked up until remedied!

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
OK group this is getting close now.
Do we have a quorum so we can call it a rally?
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