XS1100 Topics => Workshop => Topic started by: Edgey on January 06, 2012, 08:37:53 PM

Title: Help! Not so flashy indicators!
Post by: Edgey on January 06, 2012, 08:37:53 PM
Hi Everyone - happy New Year to you all!

I'm hoping for a bit of advice about my non-flashing indicators.  I took the old girl out for a ride today and the indicators aren't flashing - they're staying on though and I can hear a buzzing noise on the right hand side underneath the side, where the relay switch is.

I'm guessing I might need to fix or replace the relay?  Any help or ideas for a mechanical luddite like me would be greatly appreciated! 


Title: Re: Help! Not so flashy indicators!
Post by: excess.11 on January 06, 2012, 09:50:49 PM
Carry out a battery voltage test .With the bike idling and the indicators on.....................you need 12v or more for the flasher canister to work.If the voltage is ok......try cleaning  the  left switch assembly and use fine 1200 grit wet and dry  to polish the switch contacts.You may even have a dicky battery that seems fine until a load is applied.Check your voltage at the battery increases as you slowly increase the  revs .Obviously check fluid level in your battery.Get back to us on here with the results under different conditions of your voltage tests.Check that the contacts on the connector to the main loom from the handlebar switch block  are tight and clean.All connectors.........................ground points to the frame and at the voltage regulator/rectifier etc should be checked and cleaned for a healthy electrical system.Don t forget the fuse block as well as the connector from the alternator.
Title: Re: Help! Not so flashy indicators!
Post by: Jonesy on January 07, 2012, 06:10:51 AM
could it be as simple as the flasher unit has carked it?
Title: Re: Help! Not so flashy indicators!
Post by: excess.11 on January 07, 2012, 09:18:25 AM
Could be any number of things................or a culmination of areas that just need a clean up due to poor conductivity.The above tests i described won t cost anything........... and will assess or even show up areas that are forgotten or bypassed in service and maintaining our bikes.Recently i disassembled my indicator switch assembly after 34years due to similar indicator problems..........and to say the least...............it sure needed a good clean.The flasher canister can be disassembled for inspection and a very careful clean of the bi-metal switch contact points........i would only polish the points by sliding  a 1200grit wet and dry between them......you don t want to open them up too far and upset the tension.......other than that if the points are clean and not pitted and tension seems reasonable and unless you have a spare one lying around as a change over....continue with cleaning up areas and voltage testing.The canister relies on a load for the intermittent operation...............at the switch block you can do a resistance test on both left and right sets of indicators....although from what i gather your problem is there on either left or right operation..........but as i said it would nt hurt to clean in and behind the lamp contacts and their individual bullet connectors just for general maintainence sake.Even if none of all these areas end up being the problem they are often neglected points of maintaince on bikes that are well due for it.
Title: Re: Help! Not so flashy indicators!
Post by: Fred on January 07, 2012, 12:50:54 PM
Jesus Jeff, you electrical nerds all take these questions to the 10th power don't you ???

I think Edgy (The Mechanical Luddite), was hoping to change a bulb or two as opposed to shooting a bullet conector at the rectifier thereby resisting the poor conductivity at the ground points during voltage testing which would culminate in true grit in the bi-metal. ??? ::) ??? ::)

Sad to say though Edgey, he is giving good advice. ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Help! Not so flashy indicators!
Post by: AussiXS11G on January 07, 2012, 02:41:52 PM
Very nice Fred - that about sums it up I feel..... :D
Title: Re: Help! Not so flashy indicators!
Post by: excess.11 on January 08, 2012, 06:48:01 PM
Fred........there is two "n"s in the word....." connector" .
 ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Help! Not so flashy indicators!
Post by: Edgey on January 08, 2012, 08:11:20 PM
Thanks for all of the advice guys.  Sounds like tapping the relay and cursing a few times won't work then?  That's normally the extent of my expertise!

Funnily enough, the problem seems to be intermittent.  I started the bike in the garage today and the right blinker flashed okay, but not the left one.  Odd.  Took it for a ride and then neither flashed - they both stayed on. 

I'll let you know how I get on.  In the meantime, if anyone on the roads in Adelaide notices someone doing hand or foot signals, that might just be me!
Title: Re: Help! Not so flashy indicators!
Post by: excess.11 on January 09, 2012, 07:26:20 AM
Here s a little known fact.........so i want you to keep it......" on the down low"......" mums the word"........" a nod s as good as a wink to a blind horse "......and all that stuff  ;) ;) ;).
As we know....the Japanese were well ahead of their time when they invented the xs1100...........and what i m about to tell you .........you won t find on any wiring diagrams or schematics.( Looks...side to side.......and whispers...)" Its all to do with that damn flasher canister!!"
(Que spooky music.........Duh Daaaaa!!!)
( Here goes ..).........When you disassemble  and look inside the base of it , the sneaky electrickery nerds at Yamaha installed a miniaturized version of the ......( Looks...side to side again.......and whispers...)......." Delorean Flux Capacitor".
What alerted me to it was............one night , a long time ago , i was out riding on a dark stormy night ............ as i  accelerated and hit  88mph(140.8Kkmph)......at that precise moment.....there was a lightning strike.........and the whole arse end of my bike lit up and glowed like something out of a Steven Speilberg movie......something came over me ...........i turned  to my pillion passenger and said ......"   Don't worry. As long as i hit that wire with the connecting hook at precisely 88mph(140.8kmph) the instant the lightning strikes the tower... everything will be fine".
Now..is it just me?....or has anyone else had a similar experience?
It is 1985 isn t it? :o :o :o ;) ;) ;) :)
Title: Re: Help! Not so flashy indicators!
Post by: AussiXS11G on January 09, 2012, 10:13:13 AM
ummm. . . er. . . no . . . 11 - I have not
however on a serious note my indicators dont flash atm either. . . I have installed led units which worked fine until I junked the analogue speedo/tacho unit in favour of the Acewell digital unit.
I am aware that the led units have less load and so require a digital flasher unit which I have fitted (tried several actually) but so far no joy. . . once I have the new tank and fuel guage sender in place if still no flash flsh I will resort to engaging my friend the auto electrician i reckon. . . .
Title: Re: Help! Not so flashy indicators!
Post by: Jonesy on January 09, 2012, 05:34:29 PM
Fred........there is two "n"s in the word....." connector" .

but he got the one "n" in nerd right.   :P 

No disrespect Jeff,  but  ya gotta have a laugh.
Always good to have a sparky nerd around. my resident nerd got my old XS around australia without exhorbetent? auto electrician fees and in the middle of nowhere at times with not much more than a multi meter and a pair of pliers.
Title: Re: Help! Not so flashy indicators!
Post by: excess.11 on January 09, 2012, 06:04:21 PM
Quote"No disrespect Jeff,  but  ya gotta have a laugh.
Always good to have a sparky nerd around. my resident nerd got my old XS around australia without exhorbetent? auto electrician fees and in the middle of nowhere at times with not much more than a multi meter and a pair of pliers."

Too right Jonesy...........hmmmmmm now where did i leave that propellor cap ? ;) :)
I wish they d invite me onto "Beauty and the Geek" though......... ;D ;D ;D :(
And as for your attempt at spelling "exorbitant"  ::) ::) ::).........just stay with "costly".....it s only a 6 letter word. ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Help! Not so flashy indicators!
Post by: Edgey on April 24, 2012, 09:10:27 AM
Hi all,

Sorry for the late reply. I've been offline for a little while.

Anyway...it was the flasher relay as suspected. Looked around everywhere for a genuine part...Yamaha Retro Spares quoted $190! $190...no thanks!  I ended up paying $15 for a new aftermarket relay from the excellent Mark Reed of Mr Motorcycle dismantlers. It slotted straight in and worked a treat.

Thanks again for all the help and good suggestions.

Title: Re: Help! Not so flashy indicators!
Post by: melbxs on April 24, 2012, 09:01:17 PM
Nice on Edgey. Have you got a part number off that replacement one?
Title: Re: Help! Not so flashy indicators!
Post by: Edgey on April 27, 2012, 09:53:51 AM
Nice on Edgey. Have you got a part number off that replacement one?

Hi Melbxs,

The part number is a 'Super Winker Flasher' JIN-Y1 12V 8-23WX2. I didn't grab the box so that's just the detail on the end of the flasher relay itself. Does that help?
Title: Re: Help! Not so flashy indicators!
Post by: excess.11 on April 27, 2012, 05:37:43 PM
Is it a 3 pin thermal or electronic unit?
Does the self cancelling operation still work?
Title: Re: Help! Not so flashy indicators!
Post by: Jonesy on July 07, 2012, 07:49:20 AM
Hey Edgey
Thought I'd give this topic a bump up as my project bike flasher is doing the same as you described.
is the link below the same as what you bought?

 http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/YAMAHA-XS1100-XS-1100-FLASHER-CAN-WINKER-RELAY-UNIT-/230805459845?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Parts&hash=item35bd13d385   (http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/YAMAHA-XS1100-XS-1100-FLASHER-CAN-WINKER-RELAY-UNIT-/230805459845?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Parts&hash=item35bd13d385)
Title: Re: Help! Not so flashy indicators!
Post by: Edgey on July 08, 2012, 08:54:45 PM
Hey Jonesy,

Yeah - that looks just like the one I have.  I paid $15 from the bike mechanic here in Adelaide, so that price looks pretty good from the UK.  Mine doesn't self-cancel any more but that's not something I was fussed about to begin with, so all's been good so far with the replacement one.


Title: Re: Help! Not so flashy indicators!
Post by: steptoe on June 01, 2013, 10:49:43 PM
it,s been ages since we,ve had a problem with this,, but I had an issue develop last w/end,

did all the things in the thread so far,, still nothing, so we had to dig further, I ended up inside the switch block looking for broken wires,, none,

this is what I did find though, the bakerlite that holds all the connections was cracked allowing the last contact to move away from the "pendulum"


another switch block and bobs your uncle
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