General Talk => General Bike Talk => Topic started by: wiz on November 23, 2011, 01:14:05 PM
My book gives a volume of oil for the middle gear, is that part of the 3.5 ltr main engine oil,
i.e. it doesn't have to be filled separately ?
I'm reading the book again & it looks like it gets it's own hypoid, I haven't got the dip stick it mentions, have we got a distance from the filler?
The filler is the flat plug with the allen key slot ?
Here's all the details you need:
Courtesy of Brian in the UK.
yep middle drive has its own oil,
hypoid 80/90,
the fill plug is the one u stated, but it has its own drain plug underneath,
dont mix it up the sump oil plug.
not sure if theres a pic on here regarding the dipstick
but the measurements are 72mm long, then measure up 6mm from the bottom to give
u the fill mark, hope that makes sense dont know how to explain it any better.
u can use anything for a dip stick ive used a straw marked with a permanent marker.
lol ur faster typer than me brian :-)
Thanks guys, I got the drain plug out, real awkward since I put that extra steel in there for the new work stand.
I really hope the PO had drained it, as it was like the Gobi in there. :o(
Thought I might add here, seems I have much the same issue the middle gear oil is pretty well nonexistent except for a gluggy mess. I remember Dad teaching me to flush with kero or something for a fresh start with oil I wonder if I could do the same here before I put fresh oil in?
Edit:Ok just got of the phone to Dad on his way back from Bali Bloody Sandgropers :P
He said kero was not a good idea but believes there is a flushing oil that should do the job. I will head down the shop and see what I can find.
Nulon makes an engine oil flush that works ok