Here's my version. Sorry, just pics & text. Not video savvy like my neighbor.
Not as beefy as Steptoe's version, but a lot stronger than the Classic bar I copied.
The big advantage of Steptoe's design is that it carries the weight from the shock supports, which eases the burden on the rear frame section, though issues with brake caliper clearance prompted me to do it this way.
Ingredients are :
two 4 x 20 flat with a 10 mm hole drilled in on end, for the spar ends.
two 16mm round bar 600mm long , for the spars
two 4 x 20 flat 140mm long with 7 holes drilled in it 6mm I think, for the height adjustable supports, which are welded to the spars 20 mm in front of where the tonge starts.
two 3 x 15 flat 390mm long- 6mm hole one end, 8mm the other, for the uprights.
one 5 x 100 flat 200mm long for the tongue. 20 mm hole for ball.
two single chain links for the safety chain anchors.
Finally, YES! It has been raining up here and my bike looks putrid. I'll get to it soon.