Author Topic: The McGyver run  (Read 3732 times)

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Offline Jonesy :-)

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Re: The McGyver run
« Reply #9 on: April 06, 2014, 06:35:12 PM »
Good question Jeff, had to go and have a look to see for myself, I  never really took any notice before, PO has used a crimp lug as a sort of cable guide, the red and blue wires are held in place by the little bits of the lug that are folded over and crimped, WTF for I don't know, but it plays absolutely no part in the electrical circuit.

that's about the best I can explain without a pic
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Re: The McGyver run
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2014, 08:56:09 PM »
In the second pic showing the starter solenoid....what is the crimp lug under the top mounting screw of the solenoid meant for?

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Re: The McGyver run
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2013, 02:12:45 PM »
oddly enough jonezy  the connector plug pictured is the same block that had me  stuffed  my drama was the connector had moved in the block enough to the leave a big air gap and nooo  ignition
former xs  owner  but still has an itch

Offline Jonesy :-)

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Re: The McGyver run
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2013, 08:41:19 AM »
Thanks Eddy
I'll contact you re the fuse box.
Errol has me covered for the rest
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Re: The McGyver run
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2013, 11:28:15 PM »
Hey Jonesy the 2nd,

I have a spare new fuze box and the filler plug if you need them.

Don't have the 17mm AF nut for the engine monting bolt.

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Offline Eveready1100

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Re: The McGyver run
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2013, 10:15:19 PM »
The last time I put any oil in it was at Bourke. probly a couple of thousand km under its belt since then
I wish!

150 ml? That's all? Mine's normally down near the bottom of the window when I get flashed. Maybe your sensor is a bit more sensitive than mine. I suppose like you said, it is working as designed. You definitely won't run out of oil with that setup onboard. Had a look back at the pics of both sumps

and you can see where the stocker has a small windage tray where the XJ's sensor resides so I suppose there is a bit of surge under braking. They probably decided this would be acceptable as the XJ's are a custom styled cruiser and wouldn't have to deal with the extremes the early bikes were designed for (just guessing) . I've never experienced the light triggering under acceleration, or cornering, though. It's only when braking, and only when the oil level is down a bit.
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Offline Jonesy :-)

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Re: The McGyver run
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2013, 09:19:03 PM »
Thanks Errol, your generosity is highly appreciated.
This is the all original 581, The last time I put any oil in it was at Bourke. probly a couple of thousand km under its belt since then. I'm beginning to wonder if it was a true indication as I only put about 150mls in and it was back to the top of the site glass? still great peace of mind knowing its there and definitely working as designed
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Offline Eveready1100

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Re: The McGyver run
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2013, 08:42:01 PM »
Hi Paul 2,
          Glad to hear you eventually made it home ok. This is getting confusing. Is this your 78E 1, or your 78E 2? Hope you didn't get too much flashburn from "That" warning light flashing at you.
So, if I read this correctly, you burnt enough oil on your first leg of the run to trigger the LOL (low oil light) , which you then replenished the sump and then left the filler plug off? Does it normally use oil?
Bryan lost his on the last Bourke run, too. Maybe a tiny hole drilled in your replacement plug and a short wire trace (fishing) with swivel to anchor it to the bike so it can't fall to its death on the roadway?? That's what I'm doing with mine, as I'm always having a glance down after leaving home to confirm that I have screwed it back in after topping up (every ride)

The stock fuseblock is just something that does fall apart after time. Fitting of a pattern replacement should last another 30 odd years, as you're not running anything extra electrically to put too much stress on it. A Spade type fuseblock would, however fix it forever. Just depends on if this is the #1 all original or #2 semi original bike, I suppose.

I'll pull the nut needed for the engine mount from my donor E, and post it down to you, and I'll chuck in my spare filler plug too, mate.
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Offline Jonesy :-)

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The McGyver run
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2013, 05:58:49 PM »
A 680 km run from Bathurst to Newcastle via Bells line and berowra waters, and return via Jerrys plains the bylong valley and kandos was one of the best and worst rides I've had for ages.
The to Newcastle leg on Saturday was brilliant. bike ran flawlessly and also got 328km on 19.2 litres.
The Sunday return leg was, different......
first the Eveready low oil light started coming on when pulling up for lights, No worries I thought, just get some oil at the next servo. Off again with a full tank and a full sump, the bike was fairly flying as I headed west to the Bylong Valley one of my favourite rides, picking off unsuspecting riders as the XS was given an open throttle. All good until the suspension bottomed out and crunched something underneath at rail crossing, the oil light didn't come on but I pulled up and did a quick check and found something I wasn't suspecting.......a missing oil filler plug and an oil slick down the entire right side and back wheel and I said the F word a couple of times. No worries, topped up the oil and fashioned a plug out of a piece of foam found at the bottom of the tank bag.

McGyver #1

I forgot to mention that earlier in the day I noticed I had no headlight on low or high?
Not a problem I'll fix that at my next fuel stop in Kandos, probly just a fuse.
Fuelled up and while I was at the bowser pulled the fuse cover off and quick scan of the fuses looked Ok. jiggled the fuse and the holder came apart, another F word, oh well I'll mosey up the street get a snack and have a tinker.

Mcgyver #2

So when I pulled up at the café the bike just stopped. odd I thinks. Oh well get me snack and Investigate later.
First thing was go over the fuses as it must be that. nope full swap out of all fuses and nothing, seat off, tank off, head light off, switch block on right side pulled off, cover of TCI pulled off. not a thing I looked at or prodded or jiggled helped.
ph call #1 Yeah Xtian knows electrics I'll call him. Explain to him that everything works, lights horn blinkers and all that but the starter buttom is dead as a door nail. Check the emergency stop was the word, Ok thanks mate and hang up  I've had a look already but I'll have another. Still looks good to me. WTF will I try now?. I'll call Steptoe, he might have an idea, he did actually, and it was the same as Christians.... the kill switch, try bridging it out, he says. Wlell I aint no sparky but I'll give it a go. Thanks mate and hang up. A quick bit of wire tracing and an unconfident placement of an extra bit of wire between to plugs and bloody magic

McGyver #3

After 2 hours of head scratching and the footpath strewn with luggage, tools, tank, seat and other bits a hasty re-assembly and re-packing I was back on the road at 3pm,
and the final leg was superb, making up for lost time with average speed around 130kph and bursts of up to 150kph I soon had a grin from ear to ear again.

Another inspection when I got home and found I was also missing the nut from the rear engine mount bolt. another F bomb.

Thanks to Errol for the low level switch and Christian and Steptoe for answering your phones
« Last Edit: August 31, 2013, 07:19:35 AM by J2 »
78 E Stock
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