Hi Eddy,
I just pulled the 17 incher off mine so I took some pics to show where they are different. This is the first time I've taken a good look at all the bits. The caliper bracket is in fact the same on both wheels. Both have 2H7 cast in them. The difference is in the spacers and the caliper torque arm which has a more pronounced bend in it.

^ photo shows the two bracket types, Standard on the left. Note the thick spacer between the two parts on the Standard. The Special one has washers welded in place instead.

^ Here's the spacers that go between the wheel and the brake arm assembly. Std on left.

^Stuck both assemblies on an axle to show how they go together. Std on right. sorry.

^And snugged them up tightly

^Pic shows the difference in the bends on the torque arms.

^ Why the torque arms have different ends on them is beyond me. Std on left
Anyone with an RH handy want to have a look to see if they are the same as a Special setup?